Page 22 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 22

Clinical Trials —                    how the data will be reviewed and     questions based on existing data.
                                                                                   In other cases, the FDA requires
                                             analyzed. Clinical trials follow a stan-
        The Road to                          dard progression, starting with early,   additional studies. If the NDA doesn’t
                                             small-scale Phase 1 studies lasting
                                                                                   contain sufficient data for the FDA
                                             several months and involving 20 to
                                                                                   to determine the safety and effec-
        Drug Approval                        100 volunteers with the disease.      tiveness of a drug, it may organize a
                                                                                   meeting of one of its Advisory
                                             Phase 1 studies are designed to
                                             assess safety and dosage.             Committees to get independent,
        The Food and Drug Administration’s   Approximately 70 percent of drugs     expert advice and to permit the public
        drug approval process involves five   move on to the next phase. Phase 2   to make comments. These Advisory
        basic steps. The discovery/concept   studies have up to several hundred    Committees include a patient
        phase comes first, as research for   people with the disease/condition and   representative who provides input
        a new drug or device begins in the   can last from several months to two   from the patient perspective.
        laboratory. In Step 2, the pre-clinical   years. Their purpose is to examine the   In cases involving serious conditions
        phase, drugs and devices undergo     drug or device’s efficacy and side ef-  with unmet medical needs, the FDA
        laboratory and animal testing to an-  fects. Some 33 percent of drugs move   can “fast track” the drug approval
        swer basic questions about safety.   on to the next phase.                 process in order to get important new
        Clinical trials follow, then FDA review   Phase 3 trials look at the drug’s    drugs to patients sooner. Once a drug
        and finally FDA Post-Market Safety   efficacy and monitor subjects for     receives Fast Track designation, early
        Monitoring. Clinical trials are simply   adverse reactions. Some 300 to    and frequent communication between
        studies, or trials, in humans. They   3,000 volunteers with the disease    the FDA and a drug company is en-
        occur only after researchers (or devel-  participate in Phase 3 studies, which   couraged throughout the entire drug
        opers) complete the FDA’s Investiga-  last from one to four years, with 25   development and review process. The
        tional New Drug (IND) process, which   to 30 percent of drugs moving on    frequency of communication assures
        requires them to submit animal study   to Phase 4. Several thousand volun-  that questions and issues are resolved
        data and toxicity data, manufacturing   teers with the disease take part in   quickly, often leading to earlier drug
        information, clinical protocols (study   the Phase 4 study, which looks at the   approval and access by patients.
        plans) for studies to be conducted,   drug’s safety and efficacy.
        data from any prior human research   Once the FDA receives a New Drug
        and information about the investigator.  Application (NDA), the review team
        While preclinical research answers   decides if it is complete. If not, the
        basic questions about a drug’s safety,   review team can refuse to file the
        clinical trials study the ways the drug   NDA. If it is complete, the review
        will interact with the human body.   team has six to 10 months to make a
        They are designed to answer specific   decision on whether to approve the
        research questions related to a      drug.
        medical product and follow a specific   If the FDA determines that a drug
        study plan, or protocol, developed by   has proved safe and effective for its
        the researcher or manufacturer.      intended use, it works with the
        Before a clinical trial begins, research-  applicant to develop and refine
        ers review existing information about   prescribing information, or “labeling.”
        the drug, then decide who qualifies   Labeling accurately and objectively
        to participate (selection criteria), how   describes the basis for approval and
        many people will participate, how    how best to use the drug.
        long the study will last, whether there   In many cases, issues remain to be
        will be a control group, how the drug   resolved before the drug is approved
        will be given to patients and at what   for marketing. Sometimes the FDA
        dosage, how to assess the results and   requires the developer to address

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