Page 24 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 24

Why WE Give:

                                                                WE BELIEVE IN

                                                                THE CMTA

                                     To believe is to have confidence, to feel sure and to trust.

    By Missy and Seth Warfield

           Here’s why we are such             Our reasons for giving to the CMTA   So, we believe in the outreach of
           believers:                         go deep. Our family lives with CMT   the CMTA and this is why we have
                                              every day. Missy was diagnosed
                                                                                  led several challenge matches for
           We have been active with the CMTA   with CMT1A as a young teenager,    CMT1A. These are difficult times:
           for many, many years. We have      having struggled running, jumping,   Nonprofits and those who need
           watched it grow and fine-tune its    twisting ankles and falling down for   their help need all of us to believe.
           organization and mission “to       years.  She was reason #1. Then,    CMT is an “orphan” disease, a rare
           support the development of new     our two children were diagnosed     disease affecting barely 3 million
           drugs to treat CMT, to improve the   with CMT as youngsters. Reasons   people around the world and some
           quality of life for those with CMT   #2 and #3. Years later, two of our six   150,000 in the United States.
           and, ultimately, to find a cure.”  grandchildren were added to our     Finding financial support to cure
           We watched as the STAR (Strategy   CMT1A list. That’s #4 and #5—three   our “unusual” disease is tough when
           to Accelerate Research) alliance   generations! We long for a cure.    so many are dying of COVID-19
           brought CMT researchers from       What has the CMTA done to help      and so many others are facing food
           around the world together to work   us all? It has named Centers of    insecurity. But we believe in the
           in collaboration, not competition.   Excellence across the United States   CMTA. We hope for a cure and we
           We watched as those research       and five more overseas. The 41      believe in your decision to help.
           scientists tackled the first few genes   clinics have multidisciplinary teams   Please join us in our push to raise
           known to cause CMT, then kept      of experts to evaluate and help     $1 million for CMT1A research by
           working to discover CMT in more    those affected by CMT. Our family   the end of this year. We will match
           than 100 genes. We’ve seen the     has been to several different CMT   all donations to our challenge up to
           CMTA grow from searching for       clinics, where we were helped with   $500,000.
           pharmaceutical companies, large    bracing, exercise and advice. Add   We believe in you, too! Our
           and small, who would offer their    the 72 CMTA branches—patient and   challenge will come in two parts:
           “libraries” of developed drugs to   family support groups, one started   one now to match $250,000 and
           test for efficacy in treating CMT.   by us—to see how many people      another in the fall. The CMTA
           Now there are 32 committed         have been helped by the CMTA.       already has our good-faith gift of
           “pharmas” and others “knocking on                                      $250,000 for the first challenge. We
           the CMTA’s door.”                  For the youngsters, the CMTA        believe that if all of us give—even a
                                              created Camp Footprint where
           Yes, we believe in the CMTA and its   “you’re not the only one who cannot   little—we can give CMT1A research
           Charity Navigator 4-star (the best)   run very well,” according to one   the $1 million “shot in the arm” to
           rating for the high percentage of   grandchild. That is a place where   find the cure.   Donations to the
           money raised that goes directly to   those with fewer CMT issues can   CMT1A challenge can be made at:
           CMT research and the transparency   see those who must wear AFOs
           overall. Not every charity achieves   or braces or use wheelchairs or
           that high rating.                  crutches and where they all know
                                              that they are loved and not alone.
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