Page 25 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 25

Why WE Give:

 WE BELIEVE IN       the Pipeline:



                                             The CMTA Board does not accept unsolicited proposals, but it occasionally
                                             seeks out targeted proposals in specific disease areas, then employs a
                                             protocol aimed at reaching a funding recommendation within six weeks. Under
                                             that protocol, STAR Advisory Board members, including both Scientific Expert
                                             Board members and Therapeutic Expert Board members, conduct a first-level
                                             scientific review on translational projects brought to, or identified by, the CMTA.
                                             The initial pre-proposal is limited to three pages and must include specific aims.
                                             STAR Advisory Board members then either reject the proposal or ask for a full
                                             proposal from the investigator, including a detailed budget. Applicants whose
                                             projects are green-lighted for a full proposal then have two weeks to submit it.
                                             All full proposals must include a research plan with preliminary data, budget,
                                             timelines and information about the investigative groups involved.
                                             Once a full proposal is received, the Scientific Expert Board evaluates its
                                             scientific merit, and the Therapeutic Expert Board confirms that there is a
                                             therapeutic opportunity/asset that will benefit the CMTA’s STAR therapy
                                             development mission. Each advisory board review is completed in two weeks
                                             or less, then both recommendations go to the CMTA Board of Directors.
                                             Project proposals are scored in two stages, the first emphasizing scientific
                                             excellence and the completion of milestones and the second evaluating the
                                             translational and commercialization potential of the project. To read more about
                                             the scoring criterion, visit
                                             At the end of the sixth week, the CMTA Board of Directors either approves or
                                             rejects the project. When a proposal is funded, the CMTA documents, agrees
                                             and signs off on the research plan with the research investigator’s institution.

      Yes, please put my contribution to use in the fight against the progressive and devastating effects of CMT.
       Please earmark my gift for STAR Research towards:
       q Type 1A Dollar-for-Dollar Match       q Type 2 Dollar-for-Dollar Match       q STAR Research (All CMT Types)

       YES! I want to make a donation in the amount of:  q $3500  q $1000  q $500  q $250  q $100  q $50  q Other: $_____________
       q Make My Gift a Monthly Donation. q Please charge my credit card. q Visa  q MasterCard  q American Express
       q Check enclosed, payable to the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association. Donate online at
       To give the gift of stock, please call Jeana Sweeney, the CMTA Director of Development at 814-269-1319

       Name__________________________________________________Card #_______________________________________Exp. Date_____________


       q Please send me CMTA updates via email. My email is: _____________________________________________________________________

                                  Complete and mail to the CMTA, PO Box 105, Glenolden, PA 19036                       25
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