Page 30 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 30

The CMTA’s Type 2 Gene Discovery Initiatives

                         Some 95 percent     SORD, or SORD1, is responsible for    Drs. Cortese, Scherer, Züchner and
                         of CMT patients     coding an enzyme that converts        others studied over 1,100 database
                         with a demyelinat-  sorbitol, a type of sugar, to fructose,   entries and identified 48 CMT patients
                         ing type can get a   another type of sugar, in a two-step   whose genetic test results failed to
                         genetic confirma-   process. It does this via the same    identify an underlying genetic cause
                         tion of their CMT.   pathway that is implicated in diabetic   for their CMT, but who all had the
                         In contrast, only   neuropathy. In diabetes, this pathway   same recessive SORD1 gene
                         about 35 to 50      is disrupted, leading to the loss of   mutation, found with either whole
                         percent of patients   sorbitol being converted into fructose,   exome sequencing (WES) or whole
                         with an axonal      increasing intracellular sorbitol levels   genome sequencing (WGS), and
                         CMT are able to       and decreasing intracellular fructose   who all had similar clinical findings
      Dr. Stephan Züchner
                           obtain genetic    levels.                               consistent with an axonal CMT.
        confirmation. Scientists have already   The CMT-causing mutation in the    From there, Dr. Züchner and his
        identified more than 100 genes that   SORD1 gene causes the same loss      fellow CMTA-supported scientists
        cause CMT and they believe there     of sorbitol conversion as diabetic    were able to determine that the
        are still over 100 causes waiting to be   neuropathy. Dr. Züchner is designing   VUS finding in the SORD1 gene was
        discovered.                          a study to investigate the candidate   indeed responsible for causing the
        Why is knowing one’s type so         diabetic neuropathy therapy as a      associated CMT
        important? Developing success-       potential SORD-CMT treatment.         THE MODIFIER GENES
        ful treatments and a cure for CMT    THE VUS INITIATIVE
        depends on being able to target                                            INITIATIVE
        therapies to a patient’s particular   Genetic tests for CMT often identify   The CMTA is also pursuing an initia-
        CMT-causing genetic mutation.        only a variant of unknown or uncer-   tive to identify “modifier genes,” which
        CMT is caused by mutations in genes,   tain significance—or VUS. Because of   are secondary to the CMT-causing ge-
        which are responsible for coding—or   this, the CMTA is focused on studying   netic mutation. The secondary genes
        instructing—certain processes within   VUS findings from CMT genetic tests.   are believed to play a role in symptom
        the peripheral nerves. Each unique   It can be very frustrating for CMT    onset and/or disease severity.
        type of CMT is caused by a           patients when their much-anticipated   CMT affects everyone differently, even
        disruption in normal cell function,   result does not identify the underly-  within the same family. While some of
        and each disruption is caused by the   ing responsible mutation and instead   the reasons for this are environmental,
        underlying genetic mutation.         returns only a VUS finding.           some might be due to modifier genes.
        THE SORD GENE                        VUS findings are common and CMTA      SARM1, whose presence is required
                                             researchers have begun adding them
        DISCOVERY                            to a massive international database,   for axonal degeneration, is a modifier
        In 2019, with CMTA support, Dr.      stripped of any and all identifying    Scientists posit that if deleting SARM1
        Stephan Züchner and his team at the   information, and then studying that   allows for the preservation of periph-
        University of Miami discovered an    database in-depth to see if any of    eral nerve axons, then a therapeutic
        autosomal recessive mutation in the   these VUS findings are actually      approach that mimics a SARM1 dele-
        SORD gene that causes an axonal      connected to CMT diagnoses. This      tion has the potential to be a success-
        type of CMT (Type 2). More than      is what led to the discovery of the   ful treatment for axonal types of CMT.
        3,000 patients in the United States   SORD1 gene mutation causing CMT.     This discovery also demonstrates that
        have this mutation.                                                        targeting modifier genes like SARM1
                                                                                   may be more effective than targeting
                                                                                   the underlying genetic mutation itself.

                Scientists have already                 •  Less than 50 percent of CMT 2 patients know their gene.
           identified more than 100 genes               •  No known gene -> no therapy development.
                  that cause CMT and                    •  No known gene -> ongoing “diagnostic odyssey.”
              they believe there are still              •  CMTA supports the most important genomic initiative
                                                          by the INC and the GENESIS project.
              over 100 causes waiting to                •  In 2020, the most common axonal CMT was discovered -
                     be discovered.                       SORD neuropathy, which is likely treatable.

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