Page 33 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 33

Wondering How You Can Get Involved?

        If reading about the CMTA’s exciting research agenda has inspired
        you to get involved, there are lots of ways to do it.

        Join the INC Patient Registry, which makes it possible for   study is to collect real-time data directly from patients, who
        researchers to find new treatments, create new studies and   describe what it is like to live with CMT. The study also aims
        work to improve the lives of everyone with CMT. Enrollees   to find out how treatment can improve patient quality of life
        in the patient registry are contacted when there are    and slow CMT progression.
        opportunities to participate in clinical trials and other    The CMT&Me app collects real-world data using “bring your
        research studies such as 6601: Natural History Evaluation    own device” (BYOD) technology—participants use their own
        of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease.                         smartphones to complete questionnaires or surveys at their
        INC 6601 is a longitudinal study of individuals with CMT    convenience. The app immediately submits the information
        to see how it changes over time. Participants are invited   patients provide to a central database. A Scientific Advisory
        back on a yearly basis to determine how the changes are   Board oversees the CMT&Me study, and includes
        occurring. During the first visit, patients are assessed    clinicians who care for CMT patients, representatives
        for eligibility, fill out consent forms and have minimal    from patient advocacy organizations (PAO) and experts in
        demographics and a treatment history taken. At each visit,   patient-reported outcomes (PRO) and data management.
        your medications and medical history will be assessed, and
        you will be asked to have a neurological examination, have
        nerve conduction studies and fill out a questionnaire
        about your health.                                      Impact of CMT on work and mental health
        Enrollment in the patient contact registry is being facilitated
        through INC-affiliated CMTA Centers of Excellence.
        We strongly encourage anyone who wants to be
        considered for clinical trials to visit a CMTA Center of
        Excellence where people with CMT can participate in
        clinical research.                                        More than 2000 patients from 6 countries, aged 18 or above,
        Another great way to participate is to join our Patients as   were asked to enter data about CMT, its management and its
        Partners in Research (PPR) initiative, which is enrolling the   impact on their lives over at least two years via a smartphone
        patient community in STAR’s critical work of finding treat-  app, CMT&Me.
        ments and ultimately a cure for CMT.                            IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH
        Ways to get involved in PPR include completing surveys
        about your symptoms and experiences with CMT,                           1/3
        participating in focus groups with the CMTA and                    Reported diagnosis    Of these, 45% use,
        our strategic partners in the biotechnology and                     of depression in    or had previously used,
        pharmaceutical fields, enrolling in CMTA funded                    addition to CMTlA*     anti-depressants*
        research studies with our clinical and
        scientific partners and joining clinical trials for             IMPACT ON WORKING LIFE
        which you may be eligible. For a list of open trials,
        visit                                     74%
        Finally, it’s not too late to sign up for the CMT & ME             of salaried employees   36 days per year
        digital app, which is not just an app, but an                        confirmed their     absent from work due
        international research study being conducted on                      working life was    to CMTlA*
        an app to determine the burden of disease in CMT.                  impacted by CMTIA*
        The French company Pharnext is sponsoring the
        study over two years in six countries: the US, UK,            To sign up or learn more,
        Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The aim of the              visit

                                                                 *Data from digital lifestyle study CMT&Me             33
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