Page 13 - Branch Leader Guide
P. 13
Branch Leader Guide
Member Involvement: Share the Workload
One of the keys to leading a long-lasting, cohesive branch is learning to delegate tasks
and getting members involved in any and
all ways possible. Realistically, one Coming together is a beginning.
person cannot and should not bear the Keeping together is progress.
entire weight of the branch. By making
the group “their branch” as opposed to Working together is success.
“your branch,” you are empowering your
members to be active participants in a ~Henry Ford
dynamic and growing entity.
From the beginning, get your members involved by asking for help with small tasks like
making photocopies, setting up the room and getting snacks or drinks, etc. We cannot
stress just how important it is to find a way to make your members feel included, needed
and integrated in the group, however big or small. By asking members to help out with
fundraisers, awareness campaigns, grassroots efforts and organizing meetings, you are
not only creating lasting bonds, but also forming a solid and cohesive CMTA community.
(For more on the benefits of working together, please see “Lessons from the Geese” in
the Appendix or follow this link:
Promoting Participation
Here are a few ways to get your members involved with your CMTA branch and to
promote individual participation.
Call Your Members
One of the best ways to connect with potential new members and to reconnect with
regular or former members is to pick up the phone and give them a call. Upon request,
your regional branch manager will provide you with a list of people from the CMTA’s
database who live in your area.
If you call a brand new person, first tell that person who you are and who you represent
(CMTA). Give the time, date, location and speaker information for the upcoming
meeting. Talk up the meetings, share your vision for the group and provide reasons why
you think this person would enjoy attending your branch meeting. Don’t forget to ask a
few questions about the person you are speaking to and give that person time to talk
about him/herself. Take notes so you can refer back to details when you meet up in the