Page 9 - Branch Leader Guide
P. 9
Branch Leader Guide
Part I - Introduction to CMTA Branches
What Are CMTA Branches?
CMTA branches are mutual self-help groups whose members share stories, experiences
and ideas for coping with CMT in an environment of acceptance, empathy and
understanding. CMTA branches are valued for their supportive, collaborative and
educational aspects, as well as their social and community-building potential. When
individuals who share a common experience meet face to face, a world of reciprocal
understanding and camaraderie is created. In addition, these meetings pave the way
toward personal empowerment by providing a structured forum in which individuals can
help and be helped by others, while lifting the burden of isolation.
CMTA branches are not static, but dynamic and vibrant entities, whose members create
a unique community of invigorated individuals actively changing the world of CMT, one
day at a time. Some of their activities include learning about the CMTA’s innovative
Strategy to Accelerate Research initiative (STAR), spreading CMT awareness, creating
synergy to improve the lives of everyone with CMT and fundraising for much-needed
treatments for all types of CMT.
The participation of local professionals who are familiar with CMT is strongly
encouraged. Most CMT-savvy experts are more than willing to donate their time and
knowledge to educate members about their particular CMT-related specialty. Branch
members, the real experts on the disorder, may in turn end up enlightening presenters
about the various and distinctive symptoms and challenges of living with CMT.
Leader Requirements
You do not have to be an expert in the field of CMT, nor do you have to be trained in
leading groups. The most essential requirements are motivation, a certain time
commitment, genuine people skills and sincere dedication to the group and its members.
We do ask that you understand, at a basic level, the CMTA’s STAR initiative, participate
in our annual September CMT Awareness Month, take part in our bi-monthly leader
calls, and carry out one fundraiser per year. Remember, you will not be all alone in
taking on these endeavors; the CMTA is here to help out.
Recognizing the intrinsic value of our branches, which make a tangible difference in the
lives of everyone in the CMT community, we take a very active role in reaching out to
them, assisting our leaders and co-leaders, getting them off to a good start and
maintaining their success over time.