Page 4 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 4



       WHILE BREAKTHROUGHS ARE TYPICALLY VIEWED           further tested, and human stem cell  longest axons are lost in a process
          AS SUDDEN, DRAMATIC DISCOVERIES, they are in fact   cultures are being developed for  called axon degeneration. CMTA
            the result of relentless hard work and determination.   larger chemical screens.  partners are working on devel -
                   That’s what has been going on with Type 2.  Despite the diversity of   oping chemical inhibitors of
                                                          genetic causes of CMT2, there   recently identified biochemical
                              o recap, CMT2A is caused    are encouraging signs that a few  triggers of axon degeneration.
                              by dominant mutations in    types of therapy may have broad  The CMTA plans to explore the
                              Mitofusin 2 (MFN2). The     application. The three major ther-  applicability of this recent tech-
                              STAR team has developed     apeutic approaches that can be  nology to the multiple forms of
                         T two excellent rat models for   used to bring CMT2 therapies to  CMT2 using the many models of
                         CMT2A that are being made avail-  clinical trials (and that may also  CMT that have been generated
                         able to the research community   apply to undiagnosed Type 2s) are:  within our network.
                         and represent an important tool to  GENE THERAPY                 Next Phase: Test the applicability
                                                                                          to CMT2A and CMT2E by the
                         test potential new modulators of
      2        2         mitofusin activity. Stem cell models  Progress: One of the most exciting  end of 2019, leading to phase 1
                                                          clinical developments has been the
                                                                                          clinical trials by 2021.
                         of CMT2A have also been devel-
                                                          development of gene therapy for
                         oped for CMTA-sponsored
                                                          Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA),
                                                                                          SMALL MOLECULE THERAPIES
                         research in the laboratory of Dr.
    2                    Robert Baloh at Cedars-Sinai Med-  which affects the same motor neu-  Progress: The most common cause
                                                                                          of CMT2A is mutation of the
                                                          rons that are affected in CMT2.
                         ical Center. In partnership with
                                                                                          Mitofusin 2 gene. Researchers have
                                                          The CMTA has supported pilot
                         several companies, therapeutic
                                                                                          recently identified custom-designed
                                                          studies of gene therapy in CMT
                         approaches under study include
                                                          mouse models and convened a
                                                                                          molecules that can stimulate the
                         inhibition of axon degeneration
     2                   and gene therapy. Other candidate  meeting of gene therapy experts to  activity of mitofusin proteins. We
                                                                                          are seeking to promote develop-
                                                          outline the next steps in bringing
                         molecules have emerged from acad-
                                                          this therapeutic strategy to CMT2.
                                                                                          ment of this therapy by testing for
                         emic research, with planning
                         underway to test these as well.
                                                          gene therapy field to our scientific
                                                                                          rat models of CMT2A.
                             CMT2E is caused by           We have recruited leaders in the  efficacy in our recently developed
                         dominant mutations in the Neuro-  advisory board, who are guiding  Next Phase: Complete the first
                         filament Light Protein (NEFL)    our efforts in this area. We are also  evaluations of these compounds in
                         gene. With support from the      partnering with an eminent expert  our CMT2A rats by 2020, leading
                         CMTA, one of the best mouse      in the new technology of genome  to phase 1 clinical trial as early as
                         models of CMT2E, made by         editing to explore the application  2021.
        2                University, has been extensively  CMT2A and CMT2E.               a host of ancillary efforts—stem
                                                                                             These three strategies require
                                                          of this therapeutic approach to
                         Dr. Ronald Liem at Columbia
                                                          Next Phase: Support the first sin-
                                                                                          cell studies to make human neu-
                         characterized in collaboration with
                                                                                          rons based on cells obtained from
                                                          gle-patient clinical trial of gene
                         Dr. Steven Scherer at the University
                                                                                          CMT2A and CMT2E patients,
                                                          therapy for CMT2 in 2020, and
                         of Pennsylvania. Both human and
                         mouse stem cells containing
                                                                                          the 50 percent of CMT2 patients
                                                          mon forms of CMT2 by the end
                         CMT2E mutations have been dif-   extend this therapy to more com-  definitive genetic diagnoses for
                         ferentiated into motor neurons and  of 2021.                     who don’t yet have them and the
                         are being used in drug screens to                                development of effective biomark-
                         identify therapies that prevent  INHIBITION OF AXON              ers and outcome measures for
                         aggregations of neurofilaments seen  DEGENERATION                clinical trials that will make CMT
                         in CMT2E. Candidate compounds    Progress: The progression of all  an ideal target for therapeutic
                         have been identified and are being  types of CMT occurs as the   development. h
      4  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2019
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