Page 9 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 9

Challenged Athletes Foundation

      Offers Grants To Support

      CMTers’ Fitness Goals

           he annual application period  Applicants can request
           for grants from the Chal-  assistance for:
           lenged Athletes Foundation  • Purchasing sports equipment,
           (CAF) opened September 3     adaptive or not. Examples
      T and runs through November       include bikes, hand bikes and
      1. Anyone with CMT can apply      adaptive ski equipment.
      for a CAF grant, which provides  • Travel and competition expenses
      financial assistance to support the  for people who want to partici-
      recipient’s physical goals for fit-  pate in a local, national, or
                                                                                                         Sarah Kesty on her
      ness, health and recreation.      international sports event.
                                                                                                           adaptive ski bike
          The Challenged Athletes     • Training or gym expenses for
      Foundation (CAF) was founded      people who want to develop
      25 years ago to help triathlete Jim  strength and balance.
      McLaren buy a wheelchair accessi-  • Prosthetics for amputees.   APPLY FOR A GRANT AT:
      ble van after he was injured while                     
      competing in a race. The founda-  To apply for funding,
      tion’s first efforts were met with  applicants must submit:
      enthusiasm and a developing sense  • A medical verification of disabil-  CMTA Advisory Board Mem-
      of need as they found a commu-    ity, such as a doctor’s note that  ber Sarah Kesty, who was awarded
      nity of people who wanted to be   documents a permanent physi-   a grant to purchase an adaptive
      active but lacked the opportunity  cal disability, no matter what  ski bike last winter, said the CAF
      or financial means. Since 1984,   year the note was written.     grants provide the “opportunity to
      the CAF has awarded more than   • A personal letter of reference that  fight back against our CMT—its
      26,000 individual grants to indi-  describes both the applicant’s  pain, sometimes hopelessness—
      viduals with physical challenges  journey in sports and athletics   and have fun in the process.”
      across 103 sports.                as well as how the CAF grant      According to Sarah, “You
          As the CAF website notes,     would help in that journey.    don’t have to be the embodiment
      millions of individuals with physi-  This can come from a coach,  of an ‘athlete’ to enjoy sports and
      cal disabilities do not have access  trainer, peer or parent (in the  activities, and CAF helps remove
      to the critical adaptive sports   case of a minor).              the financial barrier you may face
      equipment and programming they  • Two photos, preferably doing the  in accessing an adaptive activity.”
      need to be active. As a result, 50  chosen activity or sport.    Sarah encourages others “to trans-
      percent of adults with disabilities  • Financial documentation of  form the pain of CMT into
                                                                       motivation.” h
      get no aerobic exercise and chil-  income. Examples include 1040,
      dren with disabilities have a 38  W2, SSI or SSDI forms. CAF
      percent higher obesity rate than  gives preference to those show-
      children without those challenges.  ing greatest financial need.                                 HOSTED BY
          The foundation’s mission is to  CMTer Diane Easter said                                  PHYLLIS SANDERS AND
                                                                                                  RUTH AND ALAN KOROWITZ
      provide opportunities and support  “The CAF grant allows me to
      to people with physical challenges,  belong to an adaptive gym.                              THE ESSEX HOUSE, NYC
                                                                                                    160 CENTRAL PARK S
      so they can pursue active lifestyles  My workouts have made me                                   NY, NY 10019
      through physical fitness and com-  stronger, improved my balance
                                                                                                     RSVP by October 5
      petitive athletics. It believes that  and decreased my falls. The best                       For any questions, contact:
      involvement in sports at any level  part is the hope I have again.                             516-741-5252 x2145
      increases self-esteem, encourages  I can positively impact my                               To purchase tickets and/or
      independence and enhances qual-  strength and how I feel. I’m so                           make a donation, please visit:
      ity of life.                    thankful for the CAF grant!”
                                                                                              FALL 2019 THE CMTA REPORT   9
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