Page 14 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 14

Eli Landau-Pope (right)
                                                                                                  paddleboards with counselor
                                                                                                            Maddie Jarrett

      R E P O R T   F R O M   C A M P   F O O T P R I N T

                                                                       One Counselor, Two Campers

                     A Counselor’s Perspective:              Unfortunately, my experience  never before connected with other
                                   Maddie Jarrett         with CMT during the other 51    people about these specific ele-
                                                          weeks of the year is often less than  ments of my reality.
                                                          celebratory. Just two days after   Amidst all of these celebra-
                         I     walked down the terminal   returning from Camp Footprint, I  tions, sorrows, triumphs, tears and
                               of the Pittsburgh airport
                                                                                          blossoming new friendships, I
                                                          was walking by a stranger who
                                  alone. I was on the way
                                  to my first year of     asked in an inappropriately curi-  realized that something was
                                                                                          changing. I didn’t realize the full
                                                          ous tone, “What’s wrong with
                                  Camp Footprint, and     your leg?” The pain of these less-  power of this change until I was at
                                  frankly, I was terrified.   than-celebratory                        the airport return-
                                      Thankfully, my      moments was also   “Joy, acceptance         ing home after
                                  fears were unfounded.   shared at camp.    and empowerment          camp had ended.
                                  Camp Footprint was a    One evening, the     were the air           After hugging the
                                  time of abundant cele-  older girls and      we breathed,           final camper good-
                                  bration, joy and hope.  counselors shared                           bye, I made my way
                                  Our days were full of   their stories in a  and for one week,       to my gate. For the
                                  dancing, laughing,      vulnerable, heart-  CMT and feelings        first time in a week,
                                  swimming, singing,      wrenching and     of celebration were       I was walking alone.
                                  story-telling, prank-   incredibly tender  coupled together.”       I was immediately
                                  pulling and thrilling   discussion of the                           re-awakened to the
                                  (but safe!) golf-cart   burdens of CMT. We talked about  stares of strangers, which accom-
                                  rides. We encouraged    the stares we feel when moving in  pany virtually all of my public
                                  one another to slide    public, the physical pain we expe-  outings. For most of my life, I
                                  down the slip-n-slide or  rience, the inaccessibility of many  have felt those stares. And I have
                                  try standing on the     of our schools, our fear of the dis-  felt them alone. But something
      Counselor Maddie   paddleboard. Joy, acceptance and  ease’s progression and the     was different as I walked down the
      Jarrett (left) with
      Paola Martinez     empowerment were the air we      emotional burden all of these have  terminal that afternoon.
                         breathed, and for one week, CMT  the potential to cause. It was an  We think of our bodies as our
                         and feelings of celebration were  incredibly powerful moment for  own. In fact, it seems a bit ridicu-
                         coupled together.                me. In all my 27 years, I had   lous to argue otherwise. After all,

      14  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2019
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