Page 19 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 19

R A I S I N G   F U N D S  A N D   A W A R E N E S S

                                                                       some friends of his from the
                                                                       library might be stopping by. Soon
                                                                       after that, a car pulled up and it
                                                                       was one of the librarians who was
                                                                       dropping off a donation. Appar-
                                                                       ently they heard about what we
                                                                       were doing and took up a collec-
                                                                       tion at the library.
                                                                          So many people stopped by.
                               Southern Connecticut Branch’s 2018 Walk 4 CMT  Some we knew, and a lot of others
                                                                       who just wanted to support a
          The park has restrictions so  have a lemonade and cupcake    child in the community. A lot of
      we’re not able to use balloons or  stand for CMT. So they did,   people were curious as to what
      decorate, but it doesn’t deter us  making more than 90 cupcakes  CMT was and how Harrison is
      from making our check-in area   and a ton of lemonade for the    doing. We ended up raising a total
      noticeable. I set up a portable  August 2 sale.                  of $565! It was amazing to see the
      table, cover it with a blue plastic  The Avon Lake Fire Depart-  support of everyone in our com-
      tablecloth and drape my CMTA    ment and Police Department       munity. I am so glad my kids
      towel—a makeshift banner—on     made a surprise visit, sirens and all!  could see the generosity of com-
      the front. On the table are plenty  When the first police officer came  plete strangers. They will definitely
      of CMTA brochures and giveaway  to our driveway, my oldest daugh-  remember this for years to come.
      items such as the bracelets and  ter thought: “Do we have to have a              —Renee White
      bandanas we had last year. At a  permit to sell lemonade?” That
      minimal cost, I also provide water  officer promised to tell all her
      bottles, granola bars, cookies and  friends about the sale and 10 min-
      bananas. I always make sure there’s  utes after she left another police
      a donation container on the table.  officer showed up and got some
          The number of participants  lemonade and cupcakes. He said
      has varied over the years but we  he would tell all of his friends, too.
      always manage to have an enthusi-  Ten minutes went by and another
      astic group and usually welcome  police officer showed up and got
      some first-timers. It’s rewarding to  some lemonade and told us that he
      meet the newcomers and share    also would tell all of his friends.
      information, but most impor-        About 10 minutes later we
      tantly, we are all out there    looked down the street and there
      spreading awareness and raising  were about 7 or 8 police cars, a
      crucial research dollars. h     fire truck, and an ambulance com-
          —Lynne Krupa, branch leader  ing down our street. I immediately
                                                                                            The thirsty Avon Lake Fire and Police
                                      knew where they were headed and                       Departments helped make the Ohio
      LEMON-AID RAISES FUNDS          got tears in my eyes. My kids all                           Lemon-aid stand a success.
      FOR STAR                        started shouting and clapping and
        ast year my kids had a lemonade  jumping up and down. They were
      Land cupcake stand to collect   ecstatic to say the least.
      donations for my son’s CMT walk     The officers and firemen all
      team, “Harrison’s Troopers,” and  came up to Harrison and shook
      they raised $250. Unfortunately,  his hand and talked to him. They
      there was no CMT walk close to  gave him a bag of goodies and a
      us in Avon Lake, Ohio, this year,  baseball cap from the Police
      but Harrison and his sisters    Department. Before they left, one
      Annabelle and Ellie still wanted to  of the police officers said that

                                                                                             FALL 2019 THE CMTA REPORT   19
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