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                                                          Most CMTA Branches can be accessed

                                                                   online at

      Anchorage Area  Hartford     Iowa City Area  Central Minnesota  Central New Jersey   Tulsa Area  Nashville Area  Seattle Area
      Lisa Hubert   Roy Behlke     Jeffrey Megown  Jo Smith     Mark Willis   Lonna Henry    Bridget Sarver  Denise Snow
      907-223-4566  239-682-6785   319-981-0171  612-807-4729   732-252-8299  918-961-1418   615-390-0699  206-321-1261
                    North Haven                  Minneapolis Area  Jacqueline Donahue        Teresa Shoaf  Emily Osborne
      ARKANSAS      Lynne Krupa    ILLINOIS      Duane Hodges   732-780-0857  OREGON         615-772-8810  425-220-4225
      Little Rock   203-288-6673   Chicago Area  612-325-5448                 Grants Pass
      Lisa Jones                   Jay Pate                     NEW MEXICO    Jessica Barton  TEXAS        WEST VIRGINIA
      501-776-5364  DISTRICT OF    630-888-4673  MISSOURI       Albuquerque Area  541-218-5350 (cell)  Austin Area  Charleston Area
                    COLUMBIA       Doreen Pomykala  Kansas City Area  Gary Shepherd  541-846-8525  Nate Halk  Karen McClure
      ARIZONA       Washington, DC  815-351-1328  Tammy Adkins  505-296-1238                 512-415-6097  304-548-4413
      Phoenix Area  Steven Weiss                 314-608-6889                 PENNSYLVANIA   Dallas/Fort Worth
      Christina Fisher  Kimberly Hughes  INDIANA  Aron Taylor   NEVADA        Bucks County Area  Thomas Roderiguz  WISCONSIN
      623-742-8921  301-962-8885   Fort Wayne Area  913-744-5674  Las Vegas Area  Julie FitzGerald Schell  817-913-8477  Madison Area
                                   Aimee Trammell  St. Louis Area  Martha Boadt  315-573-3919  El Paso Area  Debi Weber
      CALIFORNIA    FLORIDA        574-304-0968  Payton Rule    231-852-4251  Chester County  Jo Ann Longoria  608-712-8709
      Antelope Valley Area  Central Florida      618-401-4822                 Ashley Trout   915-526-0676  Milwaukee Area
      Donna Murphy  Linda Davis    KANSAS        Amanda Rule    NEW YORK      484-364-9334   Olivia Longoria  Lois Hawkins
      661-317-6332  Mitch Davis    Kansas City Area  618-698-3039  Buffalo Area  Harrisburg  915-491-0786  414-249-0390
      Danielle Metzger  863-875-4239  Tammy Adkins  Springfield Area  Peter Morris  Erin Weierbach  Houston Area
      661-317-6533  Jacksonville Area  314-608-6889  Jessica Brantner  716-866-3519  717-379-7504  Kristin Leard
      Los Angeles Area  Tim Nightingale  Aron Taylor  417-468-8049  Maryann Ciskal  Johnstown Area  713-516-8630
      Alani Price   904-504-1953   913-744-5674  Jessica Hardy  716-435-3899  J.D. Griffith  Benjy Hershorn  CANADA
      310-710-2376  Stephanie Burkhalter  Wichita Area  417-434-1656  Kristen Braun  814-539-2341  832-731-0121  Southern Ontario
      Sacramento    904-710-3771   Karen Smith                  716-270-3095  Jeana Sweeney  Meredith Wells  Kelly Hall
      Holly Stevens  Melbourne Area  316-200-0453  NORTH        Syracuse Area  814-269-1319  832-264-7312  519-843-6119
      408-203-8804  Clark Semmes                 CAROLINA       Michael Casey  Northwestern Area           Toronto Area
      Rashid Thomas  410-350-4812  LOUISIANA     Charlotte Area  315-439-9325  Joyce Steinkamp  UTAH       Linda Scott Barber
      916-947-5377  Naples         Baton Rouge Area  Carrie Johnsen  Upstate New York   814-833-8495  Orem Area  416-997-5084
      Ernie Hinds   Roy Behlke     Corey Dalfrey  704-904-2828  Elizabeth Misener  Pittsburgh   Melissa Arakaki
      916-205-5682  239-455-5571   Danielle Dalfrey  Durham Area  David Misener  Debra Czarnecki  801-494-3658
      San Diego Area  Bill Millar  318-294-1976  Jeanne Boehlecke  518-527-0895  412-331-6744
      Annette Van Veen  202-309-5685  MASSACHUSETTS  919-942-7909  Westchester Area          VIRGINIA
      760-473-5014  Sarasota Area  Boston        Rick Nelson    Beverly Wurzel  SOUTH        Blacksburg/
      Kendall Trout  Rachel Rivlin  Mimi Works   919-889-9776   Frank Wurzel  CAROLINA       Roanoke Area
      760-632-5654  Manuel Goldberg  617-913-4600  Wilmington Area  201-224-5795  Columbia Area  Karen Brown
      South Bay Area  941-870-3326  Jill Ricci   Laurel Richardson            Zack Boyd      540-252-9453
      Ori Bash      Tampa Bay Area  978-887-1014  910-515-8488  OHIO          803-622-6565   Fredericksburg
      408-829-4562    Edward Linde                              Cincinnati Area  Kyle Bryant  Leigh Van Doren
      Tau O’Sullivan   813-712-4101  MARYLAND    NEBRASKA       Jill Stuhlmueller  803-378-6202  540-370-1968
      916-806-2173  Sarah Gentry   Baltimore     Lincoln Area   513-254-4065  Greenville Area  Suffolk Area
                    941-706-5348   Clark Semmes  Brandon Lederer  Jo Koenig   Rebecca Lauriault  Holly Hall
      COLORADO      West Palm Beach  410-350-4812  402-680-0502  513-607-2822  864-918-2437  757-477-6122
      Denver Area   Phil Lewis     Easton                       Cleveland Area  Amanda Jenkins
      Ron Plageman  561-307-0100   Clark Semmes  NEW HAMPSHIRE  Shelly McMahon  864-313-2872
      303-929-9647  Eileen Martinez  410-350-4812  Newbury Area  440-781-8329
      Dick Kutz     561-901-5566                 Jacinta Gantz  Columbus Area
      303-988-5581                 MAINE         978-596-4444   Jessica Diamond
                    GEORGIA        Portland Area                216-570-6432
                    Atlanta Area   Mary Louie
                    Jeannie Zibrida  207-450-5679
                                   Grand Rapids Area
                                   Cabrielle Rudisill   Interested in starting a branch in your area?
                                   Amy Reynolds
                                   616-916-6732                  Contact CMTA Director of Community Outreach
                                                                         Laurel Richardson at
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