Page 23 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 23

?       WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?Ask David.

      Dear David,                     to a place of peace. Your career is  Accepting our limitations helps us
      I recently got my first pair of  very important: It gives your life  to go beyond them. If accepted
      orthotics and although my braces  meaning and nothing should     and integrated in our personality,
      help me walk better, I can’t seem   stand in its way. We all have anxi-  our differences can make us
      to get over my self-consciousness at  eties around our appearance, but  stronger, more powerful and more
      work. I often give presentations  this kind of worry can stand in the  successful in the long run. True
      and I feel everyone is focusing on  way of showing off the best part of  beauty is about having the confi-
      my legs, which makes me anxious.  who we are, which has little to do  dence to be exactly who you are.
      I feel my anxiety is affecting the  with our physical appearance. You  Coming out with CMT is a
      quality of my presentations. I often  have obviously achieved success in  lifelong process. Take small steps
      wear pant suits but I would love to  your field already, so focus on that  even if it’s uncomfortable. It gets
      wear dresses once in a while. I am  instead of what you imagine peo-  easier with time, but you need to  Write to David at
      a 35-year-old executive and despite  ple are thinking. Most of the time  take little risks whenever possible.
      getting a lot of positive feedback,  we are imagining stuff that’s sim-  Trust that with practice it is possi-
      I’m concerned my career will be  ply not true. If people at your  ble to be free of self-consciousness.  David Tannenbaum has
                                                                                                       an LCSW degree and has
      hurt by my disability. How do I   company are uncomfortable with  Every time you feel it a little, just  been a psychotherapist in
      get over my insecurity?                                                                          New York City for the
                                      your braces, that is their disability.  note it to yourself and push  past 30 years, specializing
      David replies:                  It is not their job to love and  through it even if it causes dis-  in helping others with the
                                                                                                       task of growing emotion-
      Thanks for bringing up a topic  accept you; it is your work to love  comfort. That’s how you build any  ally and spiritually
      that affects many of us with CMT.  yourself braces and all. We need to  new muscle. In truth, it is our  through physical chal-
      Although anxiety is uncomfort-  remember that self-love and self-  fears around CMT that hold us  lenges. “My CMT has
                                                                                                       been my greatest challenge
      able, it forces us to deal with the  acceptance is important work for  back, not our innate intellect or  and my best teacher in
      fears associated with being self-  most people, whether or not they  talent. Push yourself out there and  life,” says David.
      conscious. This is not about    have a physical disability. Our  buy a great dress that says: “Look
      getting over it, rather it is about  CMT simply pushes this work to  at me. I’m a fabulous woman with
      working through your inability to  the surface faster and nudges us to  much to offer. Pay attention peo-
      accept yourself fully and coming  deal with this issue more quickly.  ple because I’m going places!” h

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                        against the progressive and devastating effects of CMT.

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