Page 21 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 21



        ’ve been a CMT parent for 19  recommended by our pediatrician.
        years and I like to think I’ve  She took Jules away from me and
        learned a few things along the  tested her for more than an hour.
        way. My daughter Julia is my  Jules was not happy about that.
     Iteacher. She is a shining example  She didn’t like to be away from me
      of the way kids with CMT over-  and I knew the test wouldn’t go   Rachel Beron and
      come challenges.                well. (LESSON ONE: You know your  her daughter Julia
          I was thrilled to learn I was  child better than anyone else!) The
      having a girl. I already had a 2-  OT concluded that Jules was not
      year-old son, Josh, who was     only physically delayed (which I  banner of TeamJulia, raising
      anxious for a sibling. I imagined  knew) but also cognitively    almost $1 million to help fund
      my daughter looking just like   impaired. That’s when I lost it.  programs and research initiatives
      me—tall with crazy brown curly  How can someone test an 18-      for the organization.
      hair (that’s mostly grey with blonde  month-old child without her   Two years ago, Julia was diag-
      streaks now) and brown eyes. To  mom present and come up with    nosed with Type 1 diabetes. This
      my surprise, Jules was a petite,  that conclusion? (LESSON TWO:  came completely out of left field
      beautiful, green-eyed blonde, who  Initial diagnoses can be completely  and really threw all of us for a
      looked nothing like I had imagined  wrong; get second opinions!) I left  loop. We had just spent 15 years
      for those nine months. Unlike her  feeling that although she was right  trying to learn all we could about
      very active brother, she was an easy  about Jules being physically  CMT, and then we had to learn
      baby, docile and content to hang  delayed (anyone could see that),  how to help her manage her blood
      out wherever we went. I was so  she was completely wrong about   sugar levels? This couldn’t be hap-
      relieved.                       her being cognitively impaired. I  pening! But in true Julia fashion,
          The only concern we had ini-  eventually found another occupa-  this fork in the road only made  Rachael Beron and her
      tially was that Jules’ left eye was  tional therapist who led me to  her stronger. She joked: “When  husband Herb have sup-
      crossed. We met with an         Julia’s physiatrist who eventually  G-d made Julia, he mixed in a lit-  ported the CMTA in a
      optometrist who told us that we  diagnosed Jules with CMT2E      tle left optic nerve hypoplasia,  multitude of ways for more
      should wait until she was 2 to  when she was 4. (LESSON THREE:   figured he’d throw in a little CMT,  than a decade. To partici-
                                                                                                      pate in conversations about
      have her “lazy eye” corrected. We  Be your child’s advocate. No one is  thought this still isn’t right so let  the challenges and rewards
      wouldn’t learn until later that she  better at it than you!).    me mix in a little diabetes.”  of raising a child with
      had optic nerve damage in that      We had never heard of CMT:      As usual, Julia doesn’t let any-  CMT, visit the CMTA
      eye. For 18 months, I enjoyed this  No one in our family had it, and  thing stop her. (LESSON FOUR:  Parents Facebook group at
      happy baby who loved                      in the beginning it was  Kids with CMT are resilient!) Last
      to be carried and was  Julia is “a shining  very scary. We inun-  summer she interned with Run-
      always smiling. I didn’t  example of the  dated ourselves with   way of Dreams, a nonprofit that
      realize anything was   way kids with      information, which led  supports initiatives to broaden the
      wrong—I was always     CMT overcome       me to CMTA Board       reach of adaptive clothing and
      on the go with Josh and                   Member Steve O’Don-    promote the differently abled
      she was just a pleasure  challenges.”     nell, who was doing a  community in the fashion indus-
      to be around. My mom                      swim across the Chesa-  try. She also worked for University
      told me that I didn’t walk until I  peake Bay to raise funds for  Tees, a national apparel company
      was 18 months old, so Jules not  research. I called the CMTA and  that provides shirts, hats and other
      walking before that age didn’t con-  told them that my daughter had  apparel to college organizations,
      cern me much. But when 18       just been diagnosed with CMT     and continued her successful art
      months went by and still no walk-  and I would love to participate in  business sketching animals, homes
      ing, my husband Herb and I got  the swim. That was 12 years ago,  and anything else she comes up
      concerned, and we started taking  in 2007. Since then, Herb joined  with. Her resilience never ceases to
      her for tests.                  the Board of Directors, serving as  amaze me and I look forward to
          I first took her to an occupa-  chairman for several years, and we  continuing to learn from her for
      tional therapist who came highly  formed our own swim under the  many years to come. h
                                                                                             FALL 2019 THE CMTA REPORT   21
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