Page 18 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 18

R A I S I N G   F U N D S                                                                              A N D   A W A R E N E S S

                                                                                          WALK THIS WAY: SOUTHERN
         6TH ANNUAL CYCLE (AND WALK!) 4 CMT                                               CONNECTICUT BRANCH

         RAISES MORE THAN $200K                                                             ur Walk 4 CMT on September
                                                                                          O22 was our branch’s fifth. We
                                                                                          call it the Southern Connecticut
              ore than 200 people
                                                                                          Cycle/Walk/Run 4 CMT so
              took part in the 6th
                                                                                          participants know they have
              Annual Cycle (and
                                                                                          options. Before we started holding
        MWalk!) 4 CMT in
                                                                                          the walks, our branch’s first two
        Charlotte, Vermont, on
                                                                                          fundraisers offered food, music and
        August 25. With more
                                                                                          raffle prizes and were quite
        than 100 sponsors, includ-
                                                                                          successful. They also required a lot
        ing the Manning Personnel
                                                                                          of planning and preparation. When
        Group and Turbomed, the                                                           the CMTA announced in April
        event surpassed its                                                               2015 that it planned to hold a
        $200,000 goal, bringing                                                           coordinated set of nationwide
        the six-year total to more                                                        events during September’s
        than $1 million for CMT                                                           Awareness Month, I thought it
        research.                                                                         might be a good time to change
            Participants came from                                                        our model. I liked the idea of our
        far and wide and included                                                         branch being a part of something
        Paralympic champion                                                               bigger that raises awareness and
        Anthony Zahn and his                                                              research funds.
        wife Liz Bernstein, from                                                             The first item on our to-do
        California, and people                                                            list is always finding a location
        from many northeastern                                                            that’s accessible to everyone. This
        states, as well as Texas,                                                         year, we settled on the Farmington
        Florida and Virginia. Whit-                                                       Canal Heritage Trail, which runs
        ney Wright, 17, from                                                              through the nearby town of Ham-
        Franklin County, Vermont,                                                         den, Connecticut. The popular
        not only connected with                                                           trail is paved, shaded in most parts
        other CMTers for the first                                                        and even has benches sporadically
        time in her life, she met another woman who shares the same rare type and they are now  placed along the route. It’s a popu-
        friends (see related story p. 12).                                                lar destination for runners,
            Event founder Chris Ouellette noted the record number of participants, sponsors and  bicyclists and walkers of all ages.
        donations, which included 100 cyclists, 75 walkers, 100 event sponsors and more than  We meet at nearby Brooksvale
        1,000 individual donations. “Many, many thanks to all our volunteers, sponsors, partici-  Park, which has access to the trail,
        pants and donors who chose to get involved to fund critical research to treat and find a cure  plenty of parking, a small play-
        for CMT,” Ouellette said, adding, “You are making a mighty impact, changing the course  ground, farm animals, and
        of CMT for the generations of today and tomorrow.”                                another necessity—a Porta-Potty.
            In addition to local participants, 20 enthusiastic participants did their “OWN” chal-  We always receive confirmation
        lenges (walks, rides, and a horseback adventure) on their “OWN” terms, in their “OWN”  from the park ranger that the
        time frames.                                                                      September date we want is avail-
            There’s still time for anyone who would like to donate or do their “OWN” cycle or  able and approved and then the
        walk challenge. Go to: and to set up a challenge or email Elizabeth  CMTA takes care of the necessary
        Ouellette at to learn more.
                                                                                          insurance information. Since the
        The 7th Annual Cycle (and Walk!) 4 CMT will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2020.   park and trail can be busy at
        Interested in volunteering for next year’s event? Please email Elizabeth Ouellette   times, we hold our event on a
        at                                                          Sunday morning when it isn’t so

      18  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2019
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