Page 16 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 16
A Woman of Great Strength, Courage and Conviction
Editor’s note: As The CMTA Report Vicki Pollyea had a long
went to press, we received word of history of volunteering for
Vicki’s passing from her beloved the CMTA.
husband Archie. We wish she’d
had a chance to read once more
how much we all appreciated her
but trust that she knew it.
hen I first met Vicki
over 12 years ago, she
was the leader for the
W branch, the largest
CMT group in the country. We
hit it off immediately: I knew disability, Vicki became a CMTA in. Yet, whenever she had a chance
she’d be a forever friend and I was branch leader and neighborhood or a little extra energy, she contin-
right. Over the years, she has activist. She was part of a former ued to spread CMT awareness and
played a variety of different roles Mayor’s Neighborhood Task Force moderate the CMTA Facebook
at the CMTA, pouring and helped draft group, sharing her lifelong experi-
her heart and soul into “Love is a Tampa Bay’s tree-pro- ence and knowledge of CMT.
each of them. Even steadfast tection code. Vicki In addition to her sister, Vicki
while recuperating commitment in was also president and had two cousins who live in New
from radiation therapy the well-being one of the founders of Zealand and also have CMT. She
for recurrent lung can- Bayshore Gardens believed with all her heart that the
cer, Vicki continued to of others.” Neighborhood Associ- research currently underway will
moderate the CMTA’s —Cornel West ation, where she and make a difference in their lives.
Facebook Group from her husband, Archie Vicki reflected, “I don’t know how
her hospital bed, giving fact-based Giannella, lived in a 1921 bunga- much longer I’ll live, but Archie
answers to questions about CMT low they restored. She and Archie will be by my side. It teaches you
and helping others find resources, shared a passion for fishing. to live in the moment, to tell the
comfort and support. Vicki endured more than two people around you that you love
Born into a family with dozen orthopedic operations in them. You never know what will
CMT1A, Vicki grew up in Tampa. the last 34 years. As she became happen tomorrow.”
Her CMT prevented her from rid- more homebound, she turned to Vicki’s selfless volunteerism
ing a bike and running, but she the phone and online CMT chat made a tremendous difference in
could swim and catch needlefish to rooms. Soon thereafter, she the world of CMT and beyond.
sell for bait to tarpon fishermen. stepped up as a CMTA Branch She touched many people and the
After undergoing a lot of Leader. Her mantra: “I cannot CMTA is eternally grateful for her
physical therapy in her youth, control the things that happen in relentless drive and motivation
Vicki decided to get a degree in life, but I can control my attitude One of Vicki’s favorite quotes
occupational therapy from the about the things that happen.” was from Cornel West: “Love is a
University of Florida. She worked Vicki valiantly battled lung steadfast commitment to the well-
as a pediatric occupational thera- cancer in the past, but the most being of others.” We thank her for
pist until her CMT forced her to recent bout was found to be inop- the love and steadfast commit-
change her life path. Undeterred erable. After six weeks of intensive ment she showed the CMT
by this setback, and soon on full radiation therapy, pneumonia set community. h