Page 11 - 2019 Fall CMTA Report
P. 11
he newly appointed CMTA The Youth Council will send their voices are. Lastly, I want
Youth Council held its inau- a speaker to every Patient/Family people to look at their CMT as a
gural meeting in Denver Conference, where they will purpose and not a burden. When
June 20-22. Nine teens from update attendees on youth initia- I started looking at my CMT in a
T across the country spent a tives and participate in the youth different light is when everything
weekend connecting, exploring outings that happen at each changed.”
leadership and mapping out plans conference. The next PFC is Youth Council Member
to empower the youth of the in Atlanta in November. Erin Black said the “weekend was
CMT community. They strate- CMTA Youth Leader (and something much larger than any
gized on council membership Camp Footprint Director) Jonah of us could have imagined. The
requirements, issues confronting Berger said members of the Youth nine of us … left this retreat
youth with CMT, ways the Council bring “a fresh perspective, weekend reminded of our mission.
CMTA can connect and support energy, and understanding of Three words. Youth empowering
the youth more effectively, devel- modern connectivity to the table,” youth! I’m hopeful that this is the
opment of a CMTA Youth benefiting everyone in the CMT board that will reach every youth
Database, social media develop- community. across all corners of the United
ment for their community and Youth Council Member Riley States affected by Charcot-Marie-
committees to manage future Williams called the weekend a Tooth disease.”
action items. dream come true, adding, “It was In addition to Erin and
The social media plans include almost as if something happened Riley, the members of the Youth
a youth-specific Facebook page that I didn’t even know I wished Council are Emily Stufflet, Evan
and Instagram account. The team for.” She continued, “As a council Zeltsar, Sean Tyree, Sam Docker,
decided to work on ways for youth member I have many hopes and Meghann McClung, Jaden Ellman,
with CMT to tag and bring in dreams. I want to make CMT Anthony Hererra and Hannah
other youth to build the network. known. I want to tell people I Roberts. To find out more about
The Youth Council will also form have CMT and have them know the CMTA’s Youth Council,
a database to collect and organize exactly what it is. I want the contact Jonah Berger at
members of the youth community. youth to know just how mighty h
Members of the CMTA
Youth Council with
CMTA Community
Services Director Laurel
Richardson at right.