Page 11 - 2020 Spring CMTA Report
P. 11

be particularly helpful in HMN  fraction of a second. It’s best if the  mildly uncomfortable, but for
      and can determine if there is any  patient can allow testing of at least  some, particularly patients with
      muscle involvement in HSN.      one motor and one sensory nerve  aversion to any needles, the needle
      EMG can evaluate muscles that   even if it’s uncomfortable. Sensory  examination can be painful. The
      are more proximal—above the     nerves need less stimulation than  good news is that if needle studies
      knees and elbows—which are not  motor nerves and are less painful.  are done, there shouldn’t be the
      easily tested with NCS. This can  For CMTers, studies of the arms  need to study many muscles.
      be helpful, but rarely allows a  may provide more information       NCS and EMG can be
      diagnosis of CMT. Because it is  than the legs, but each case is dif-  performed at any age, including
      not always necessary for the EMG  ferent. Relaxation techniques can  infancy, but with children, the
      portion of the EDX to be done,  help reduce anxiety and pain.    examination has to be modified to
      the decision should be discussed    The needles used in EMG      account for their size and inability
      with the treating doctor and elec-  are very thin and sharp. They are  to fully cooperate during the
      tromyographer.                  disposable, so there is virtually no  study. The 38 m/sec velocity
          Electrodiagnostic studies are  risk of infection. They are thinner  that distinguishes CMT 1 and 2
      not risky or dangerous and do not  than the needles used for drawing  cannot be used under the age of 2.
      cause problems afterward, but   blood and there is minimal risk of  The examination in young chil-
      they can be uncomfortable. The  bleeding even if one is on aspirin.  dren is usually brief and sedation
      NCS requires electrical stimula-  Anyone on a blood thinner should  is not normally necessary. If a
      tion, which is very brief but can  bring it to the electromyographer’s  child is from a family with known
      be painful. Some CMTers have    attention, but most muscles can  CMT that has been diagnosed
      nerves that are difficult to stimu-  be tested even if the patient is   genetically, then EDX may not
      late, which can require higher  taking Coumadin or other major   be needed. If the child is symp -
      amounts of stimulation. This may  blood thinners. For most patients,  tomatic, there may not be a need
      be painful, but the pain lasts a  the needle examination is only  for any testing. h

                                                                                           SPRING 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   11
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