Page 9 - 2020 Spring CMTA Report
P. 9
CMT Quilt Still Traveling
ix years after Angela Beau- In the five years since Angela
mont conceived the idea, the finished the quilt, it has traveled
CMT Traveling Quilt is still more than 100,000 miles to 35
on the move, collecting sig- states, 300 cities and four different
Snatures from CMTers and countries. It has been to many
raising awareness about the disease CMTA branch meetings, Walks 4
around the world. CMT nationwide, Patient/Family
Angela, past leader of the Conferences and even Camp Foot-
Vidor, Texas, Branch started the print. The seasoned traveler has
project because she wanted a new visited cities and towns across the
quilt for her bed, but as she was United States, including Houston,
finishing the top she ran across Philadelphia, Seattle, Denver, New
the idea of a signature quilt while York City, Miami, Chicago, Balti-
watching TED Travels. She won- more, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. CMTA Quilt visits the Liberty Bell.
dered what the response to a It has also winged its way across
CMT quilt would be. She oceans to places as far as Glasgow, signatures out of a total of 1,500
quickly found out—75 people Scotland; London, England; and triangles. Some of the triangles
joined the quilt’s Facebook group Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, have as many as three signatures,
the day she started it. As one Australia. Its picture has been leaving lots of open spaces. If your
Facebook friend put it: “There taken in front of landmarks as CMTA branch would like the
are definitely some days where I varied as the Sydney Opera quilt at an event, please contact
just want to wrap myself up in a House, the Liberty Bell and the john.cmtalabranch@gmail or join
quilt and cover all the places that battleship New Jersey. My CMT Traveling Quilt Project/
hurt. Then there are the days In the last few years, the Facebook. Once the top is fully
when my friends and family are quilt’s travels have been limited to signed, it will be auctioned off,
the comfort I need. This project branch meetings and CMTA with all proceeds going to benefit
combines the two.” walks. The quilt currently has 621 the CMTA. h