Page 12 - 2020 Spring CMTA Report
P. 12

HNPP                            and optimize quality of life. We
                         (continued from page 7)         advise HNPP patients to avoid the
                                                         physical activities (compression,
                         demyelinating polyneuropathy    prolonged stereotypic movements
                         (CIDP) or idiopathic axonal     and over-stretching) that may
                         polyneuropathy, among others.   bring on symptoms. However,
                         A high index of suspicion is often  we do not advocate a sedentary  This past January, the CMTA
                                                                                            rolled out CMTActive ™ ,
                         needed to reach the diagnosis in  lifestyle since this may lead to   a new Facebook group aimed
                         patients with episodes of focal   obesity and metabolic problems.  at encouraging, inspiring and
                         sensory loss or weakness.       Thus, activities should be tailored  cheering members on to fight
                             An electromyogram/nerve     for individuals to have adequate   CMT through movement.
                         conduction study (EMG/NCS) is   exercise without triggering nerve     As moderator Benjy
                         an important diagnostic tool for  symptoms.                        Hershorn explains, “Being
                         HNPP (see related article p. 10).   Many patients with HNPP        CMTActive is a lifestyle and a
                                                                                            mindset. CMTActive means taking
                         It shows changes in areas where  complain of pain, whether focal   small steps each day to better
                         peripheral nerves are exposed   symptoms are present or not.       your physical health. CMTActive
                         to mechanical pressure, such as   Those with true neuropathic pain  means finding and adapting the
                         the ulnar nerve at the elbow or  (sharp, burning, tingling, highly  sports and activities that you
                         median nerve at the wrist. This  sensitive to touch) tend to be    love, cherishing your body and
                                                                                            giving it the support and care it
                         finding should prompt physicians  responsive to treatments. Others  deserves to take control over
                         to perform DNA testing.         may not exhibit features of neuro-  CMT.” Other moderators include
                             DNA testing allows          pathic pain and the pain may be    Julie Glover Barnett, Julie Stone,
                         physicians to reach a definitive  difficult to control. Physicians  Leslie Nagel, Elizabeth Ouellette
                         diagnosis. It should be noted that  may have to seek additional fac-  and contributor Bethany Noelle
                         unlike the majority of lab tests,  tors contributing to the pain, such  Meloche.
                                                                                               The group welcomes par -
                         which use blood samples from a  as inadequate ankle braces causing  ticipation, tips and guidance from
                         red-top tube, blood samples for  overuse of leg muscles, etc.      a wide range of participants,
                         DNA testing should be collected     On the medication front,       from beginners to experienced
                         in a purple-top tube that contains  severe side-effects have been  fitness enthusiasts, with one
                         a chemical to prevent the blood  reported in patients with CMT1A   common goal—to keep moving.
                                                                                            CMTActive content includes a
                         from clotting. This is necessary for  who took Vincristine and devel-  growing library of videos that
                         DNA extraction. If a red-top tube  oped limb paralysis. This is a  demonstrate movement and
                         is mistakenly used, clotted samples  difficult subject to study in  exercise that can be done at
                         will be rejected by the lab and the  patients with HNPP due to ethi-  home! In just over a month,
                         patient may have to return to the  cal issues. However, an HNPP    CMTActive exploded to 800+
                         clinic for another blood draw.  animal model shows slower recov-   members.
                                                                                               Technology and the social
                             The HNPP mutation is usu-   ery from nerve damage. We          network allow CMTActive to
                         ally tested using a technique called  believe that patients with HNPP  engage with group members
                         multiplex PCR. In rare cases, this  should be carefully monitored for  who live all over the world,
                         technique may not detect the    side-effects when they receive any  something that’s much needed
                         mutation. If the clinical suspicion  new medications.              at a time when everyone has
                                                                                            to stay at home and practice
                         is strong, alternative techniques   We are not aware of any spe-   social distancing.
                         would have to be used to clarify  cific dietary restrictions for HNPP  Benjy said he truly believes
                         the diagnosis. In a few reported  patients. A high dose of vitamin C  that “The lessons learned in living
                         cases, the patient’s HNPP was not  has been shown to reduce PMP22  with a chronic illness in general,
                         caused by a missing copy of the  levels. We recommend that HNPP    and with CMT specifically, can
                         PMP22 gene, but by an altered   patients avoid consuming high      help us cope with the uncertainty
                                                                                            of the current coronavirus crisis.”
                         DNA sequence in the PMP22       doses of vitamin C. However, we    He says he is “clear-eyed AND
                         gene that multiplex PCR cannot  do not see any problems with a     concerned,” and that he remains
                         detect, but DNA sequencing can.  regular dose (75-90mg daily) of   optimistic and ready to give
                             There is currently no cure for  vitamin C. This issue needs to be  support and encouragement to
                         HNPP and clinical management    further investigated in carefully  those who are in need.
                         mainly aims to alleviate symptoms  designed studies. h

      12  THE CMTA REPORT  SPRING 2020
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