Page 17 - 2020 Spring CMTA Report
P. 17


      Jeannie Zibrida, Atlanta

        n conversation, Atlanta Branch  her CMT1A in 1986. Looking
        Leader Jeannie Zibrida seems  back, she now realizes her CMT
        more like a bright and lively  was the reason she couldn’t ride a
        teenager than a retiree with  bicycle until the fourth grade.
     ICMT  who had a recent ankle     Jeannie also has an aunt and a
      fusion.  She speaks in excited  brother with CMT1A. She was a
      bursts and seems to know every-  participant in the Vitamin C trial,
      one and everything going on in  one of the first studies to investi-
      the CMT community.              gate a drug treatment for CMT.
          Jeannie grew up on the south    A member of the Atlanta
      side of Chicago and is convinced  Branch since its first meeting,
      this makes her a “southern girl.”  Jeannie took the helm in 2018.
      At 15 she moved                            The branch currently
      with her family to                         has an email list of
      Saint Petersburg,      Jeannie grew        150 people, 113
      Florida, cementing       up on the         people on its Face-   and is currently wearing a boot,
      her claim to a         south side of       book page, and 15 to  which she admits slows her down
      southern heritage.    Chicago and is       20 people regularly   a bit. Knee replacement also may
      She went to grad                           attend meetings.      be coming soon. But despite
      school at Emory       convinced this       At one memorable      these setbacks, Jeannie remains
      where she studied      makes her a         meeting, noted foot   incredibly upbeat and positive.
      nutrition and then    “southern girl.”     surgeon Dr. Glenn     She is proud that Atlanta hosted
      became a registered                        Pfeffer (see related  a Parent/Family Conference
      dietitian. Later she                       article p. 4) spoke   recently, and she looks forward to
      went into medical sales.        for an hour and then spent two   the branch’s next Walk 4 CMT.
          When Jeannie was first      hours evaluating attendees. The     Jeannie and her husband,
      diagnosed in 1985, technicians  branch meets at Saint Martin’s   Alan Segrave, live on Lake Lanier
      actually stuck a needle into    Episcopal Church in Atlanta      and love to travel. Jeannie also
      your big toe when doing an      because of its central location.  loves to walk and hike with her
      EMG/NCS. She recalls it being       Jeannie began wearing        golden retriever Dash, who takes
      quite painful. She wasn’t surprised  orthotics in her 30s, then 12  part in all Walks 4 CMT. She is
      by her diagnosis because her    years ago she started wearing an  passionate about helping the
      father had recently been diag-  AFO on one foot. She had an      CMTA in finding a cure and cre-
      nosed. Genetic testing confirmed  ankle fusion in November 2019  ating a world without CMT. h


           van Zeltsar, 14, became the youngest-ever member of the CMTA’s Advisory
         E Board in January. Evan, a student at Masconomet High School in Boxford,
         Massachusetts, is a CMTA Youth Council member, four-time CMTA Camp
         Footprint attendee and Boston Walk 4 CMT Ambassador. Evan, who has
         CMT1A, is an enthusiastic advocate for youth, aiming to show them how
         to “live with CMT rather than have CMT.” He hopes to bring the unique
         perspective of the CMT youth community to the Advisory Board. In his free
         time, Evan enjoys skiing, playing the clarinet and saxophone in his school
         band and annoying his older brother.

                                                                                           SPRING 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   17
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