Page 16 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 16


               FOR CMT HANDS

               ore than 900 people joined    up your pants, she said, while a zipper
               a CMTA Zoom call on May 12    pull hooks into your zipper so you can
        Mto hear occupational therapist      use the full force of your hand and
        Valery Hanks dispense numerous tips   forearm to pull up the zipper, rather
        on aids, exercises and workarounds for   than having to use finger strength to
        people whose CMT affects their hands.   pull it up.
        Hanks, a member of the CMTA Advisory
        Board, first defined occupational therapy
        (OT) for the audience: It is a practice
        that helps individuals recovering from
        an injury or illness or with disabilities                                 Valery recommended several tools
        participate fully in everyday activities. OT                              for the bathroom: a toilet hygiene aid
        trains them to use adaptive equipment                                     helps people reach around after a
        and techniques to improve function and                                    bowel movement and bidets make
        independence. It also helps individuals   ADAPTIVE NAIL CLIPPERS SUCTION   washing the genitals a breeze. You
                                                        TO ANY SURFACE.
        develop strengthening and coordination  don’t have to buy a $700 bidet, she
        programs and teaches family members                                       said: A $50 or $75 bidet seat is simple
        how to support their loved ones      Similarly, she said, an adaptive nail   to install and does the job just as well.
        effectively.                         clipper suctions to a table or counter,   An elevated toilet seat with safety
                                             allowing people to use forearm rather   rails helps people without a lot of leg
        The difference between OT and phys-  than finger strength to push the device   strength get up and down, while a
        ical therapy (PT) is that OT deals with   down to clip nails. More self-care tools   bedside commode can help prevent
        self-care tasks, modifications for work,   include long-handled combs and one   falls in the night, then be stashed away
        school or driving and home manage-   of Valery’s favorites, a jewelry adapter   during the day.
        ment, all tasks that involve arm and   that attaches to either end of a neck-
        hand impairments. PT, on the other   lace or bracelet, then uses magnets to
        hand, involves walking and assistive   make the connection. Other effective
        devices to help with safety, balance,   self-care tools include buttonhooks,
        stairs and general mobility. It involves   Velcro shoelaces and AFO assists that
        leg and foot impairments and deci-   hold the brace still so that you can
        sion-making with AFOs.                                                     A JEWERLY ADAPTER ATTACHES TO THE END OF
                                             simply slide your foot into it and then   A BRACELET OR NECKLACE AND USES MAGNETS
                                                                                         TO MAKE THE CONNECTION.
        Hanks divided OT concerns into       do the straps.              
        several primary areas—self-care,     Another area that OT focuses on is       Necklaces-Bracelets/dp/B07QCTVP17/)
        bathroom safety and work and home.   bathroom safety. A January 2018 study
        In the self-care category, she said,   surveyed 252 people with CMT and    Showering and bathing can also
        people with difficulty using their hands   86 percent reported frequent falls   present challenges, Hanks said. She
        might have problems with buttons,    or near falls. A 2014 study found that   recommended putting a mat in the
        shoelaces, tying a tie, holding utensils,   respondents were more likely to get   bottom of the tub and using a transfer
        cutting fingernails, socks, and jewelry   injured if they fell in the bathroom.  bench, which allows you to sit outside
        fasteners. She recommended tools                                          the tub, then swing your legs over, and
        for each. Foam tubing, for example, is                                    use a handheld shower.
        cheap and comes in many shapes and
        sizes. It can be wrapped around a fork                                    The third area where occupational
        or a brush or a pen, making the object                                    therapy can be helpful is home life and
        larger and easier to use.                                                 work. Helpful tools include battery-
                                                                                  powered can openers, adaptive key
        A sock aid is another useful tool. Put a                                  rings and adaptive pill bottle openers.
        sock in the device, then drop it down                                     Hanks recommended that people who
        to the floor and pull the strings so that                                 don’t have small children at home
        the sock goes on without having to use                                    simply ask their pharmacists to put
        your fingers. It’s also beneficial for peo-                               on non-childproof lids.
        ple with balance issues or who can’t                                      In the kitchen, jar openers and
        reach their feet.
                                                 A SOCK AID CAN TRANSFORM THE TASK    rocker knives can both reduce the
        A reacher/grabber also comes in                OF GETTING DRESSED.        amount of effort required to use
        handy for picking things up or pulling  them, while an adaptive cutting

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