Page 21 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 21

The secret weapon that really makes   •   As much as possible, don’t let CMT
        my life work is my wife, Julie. We have   limit or constrain your life.
        been married for 30 years. She has   •   Don’t be afraid to ask for help but
        seen the best and the worst of me and   always look to yourself first.
        she is still here. She knows what may
        be coming and she is still here.     •   Keep physically active and exercise
                                               regularly. CMT will rob your physical
        When I am being an ass, she points     abilities so do all you can to keep the
        it out—not always in the most tactful   strength and muscle tone you have.
        manner—but she has rights and I tend
        to be “insensitive” on occasion. Re-  •   Question your doctors and caregiv-
                                               ers. If you don’t understand the an-
        member the closet.
                                               swers, ask again. Remember, you’re
        She laughs at me regularly, even when   the one paying the bills.
        I can’t see the humor. Julie always has   •   Nurture friendships and make sure
        my back and will help when asked,      they feel free to call you an ass when
        even when she doesn’t think I deserve   you need it. If nothing else, it starts a
        it. Everyone needs a Julie in their life.   conversation.
        With CMT, the need is greater.
                                             •   On bad days, don’t bring everyone
        So, the advice I would give to anyone   around you down. You may have CMT,
        dealing with CMT based on my 71        but the world does not revolve around
        years of dealing with it:              you. Again, remember the closet.
        •   CMT is eventually going to win most   •   On the good days, share it with the
          battles. The trick is making sure you   people who make the days good.
          lose on your terms. Don’t just accept,
          fight back and look for workarounds.  A life well lived is an adventure. With
                                             CMT, it can be a bit more adventur-
        •   CMT affects many aspects of our   ous but that just means the rewards
          lives, but it will not define who you   are greater and the memories more
          are unless you let it.             impactful.                             Jeff and his walking stick

                                                                                                SUMMER 2021  THE CMTA REPORT
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