Page 22 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 22
First Annual Coldiron Derby
Fundraiser Nets $30,823
CMTA Board Member personal: 8-year-old Hazel Coldiron,
David Coldiron and his a bright, beautiful and strong little girl
who was diagnosed with CMT five
wife Christina raised more than years ago.
$30,000 for the CMTA May 1 with
a Kentucky Derby party in Nash- David and Christina thought that their
ville. The outdoor, tented fundraiser annual Derby party would be a great
featured live music, fabulous bites, way to raise awareness and funds for
mint juleps, Derby viewing, live and CMT research. “We want children like
silent auctions and a bourbon tasting. Hazel to have the same opportunities
Eighty-five people (following CDC to have a fulfilled and happy life.
pandemic guidelines) came out in The annual Coldiron Derby Fundraiser
their Derby finest, including hats. will help fund research for Charcot-
The Coldirons love the Kentucky Marie-Tooth disease by benefiting
the CMTA,” David said.
Derby and have an event at their
home for family and friends every The Coldirons (and the CMTA)
year. This year, they turned the thank sponsors Crown Paving,
8-year-old Hazel Coldiron was event into a fundraiser for the CMTA. Hanger Clinic and Pennington’s
diagnosed with CMT five years ago.
Their reason for fundraising is very Distillery for supporting the event.
Students at St. Rocco Parish Raise Pennies for the CMTA
tudents at Saint Rocco Parish For every $500 raised, assistant
SSchool in Cleveland held a Penny principal and seventh-grade
War to raise funds for charity this past homeroom teacher Brent George
Lenten season and the CMTA was one agreed to dress as the Easter Bunny
of the lucky beneficiaries. Students for a day. It was quite an incentive:
at the small, urban, high-poverty He greeted students for three days
school battled grade against grade before Easter. The third graders who
to bring in pennies, silver change and raised the most money earned a
paper money to raise over $1,500! pizza party, a dress-down pass and
The money was divided among three a homework pass.
charities that affect students in the Principal Renee Corny said she
school: The Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Association, Autism Resources and is extremely proud of these 135 kids
for their generosity in helping others.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand.