Page 19 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 19
Why SHE GAve:
Sled hockey was one of the
many ways Joan worked to
stay physically active.
Her motto was “Live for Today,” and her
legacy will help others with CMT do that.
The two shared a love of travel and
planned to go to the Greek Islands on
their honeymoon, but then they won
a contest for two round-trip business-
It seems only fitting that the Jean’s father had CMT Type 2, as did class tickets around the world. Jim was
memorial service for Jean Nibbe his three siblings, so Jean knew she excited at the thought of a world tour,
included a game of Munzee. had it from a very early age. She didn’t but Jean said she knew she would be
tired from the wedding festivities and
Like the online/real-life scavenger let CMT define her, or slow her down: just wanted to lie on a beach. They
hunt, Jean was vibrant, engaging In her youth, she was an avid softball compromised by lying on beaches in
and full of life. player, though, like many people with Rio de Janiero, Malta and Bali.
CMT, she was often chosen last for
Jean was born in 1965 in Salt Lake teams. Jean began swimming more as her CMT
City, Utah. She spent three years progressed, loving the ease that being
there before moving with her family to But she persevered, knowing how in water gave her. She often said that
Seattle, where she remained for the important it was to stay active and she “felt normal” when she was in water
rest of her life. preserve her muscle mass. She and loved to go snorkeling in places like
participated in dragon boat racing
Jean worked in the parts department and sled hockey and was invited to the Virgin Islands and Hawaii.
at truck manufacturer PACCAR for 25 try out for the U.S. sled hockey team. There was a lot less travel in recent
years, but she wasn’t defined by her She even led a Boy Scout troop on a years, but Jean could still mountain
job as much as her outside interests hike from Seattle to the Golden Gate bike and Whistler was another favorite
and her volunteer work. She was Bridge. vacation destination. She also contin-
an advisor with the scrapbooking ued making cards until just last year
company Creative Memories and Ironically, Jean grew to love teams when she started to lose hand function.
she made greeting cards for Project because they motivated her to stay
“Write Home” for military personnel. active, take part in a group and An active member of the Seattle
She loved gardening and volunteered contribute to society. branch, Jean left more than $70,000
at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens Jean and her husband Jim met on a to the CMTA because of the way CMT
for many years, even winning the blind date and it was initially unclear affected her and her family. Her motto
President’s Volunteer Award in 2012. that there would be a second meeting. was “Live for Today,” and her legacy
In addition to Munzee, Jean enjoyed But Jim was persistent, and another will help others with CMT do that. Her
memory is most certainly a blessing—
traveling, the outdoors, spending date followed. Being the up-front kind to all who knew her and to all who will
time with friends and family and of person that she was, Jean told Jim benefit from her generosity.
Geocaching, in which participants about her CMT and that she wouldn’t
use GPS to hide and seek containers have kids because of it. She was
called geocaches at specific locations reluctant to begin a relationship, but
marked by coordinates all Jim assured her that they were “just
over the world. dating” and it would be okay. They
married in 1998.
for Project “Write Home” for
military personnel was one of
the many ways Jean shared
her generous spirit.