Page 23 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 23


                                             when she was 19, and after a challenging jour-  especially meaningful to watch the life-chang-
                                             ney spent trying to understand her body and   ing difference that great braces make for
                                             CMT, she discovered the benefits of meditation   people living with CMT.
                                             and mindfulness. She has been meditating for
                                             the past 10 years and even became a profes-  RESEARCH TRIANGLE/WILMINGTON, NC
                                             sional meditation/mindfulness instructor with   The Research Triangle and Wilmington
                                             advanced training in trauma-sensitive mindful-  branches held a joint meeting on May 1
                                             ness. Jackie shared how meditation changed   with 12 people present to welcome special
        ORANGE COUNTY, CA                    her relationship with her body and her diagno-  guest speaker David Tannenbaum. David, a
        Seventeen people, including new Branch   sis, as well as some meditation             psychotherapist who has CMT,
        Leader Beth Dorin, came out for the inaugural   and mindfulness practices.           serves on the CMTA Advisory
        meeting of the Orange County branch on   The branch also gathered                    Board and writes the “Ask
        March 2.  All of the attendees have CMT   on February 17 to catch up                 David” column in The CMTA
        (mostly 1A) and a couple of them have young   as a branch and welcome                Report. He led the group
        adult children with CMT. The parents of children   new members. The seven            through a meaningful discussion
        with CMT mentioned how great it would be   attendees played a great                  on emotional wellness in which
        to connect their kids with others in their age   introduction game called 2          many shared their sadness,
        group. Members also talked about topics of   Truths & 1 Lie.  Members briefly        guilt and fears surrounding their
        interest for the year and future guest speakers.  explained their journeys with      disease. It was a productive and
                                                                                             valuable meeting with great
        DENVER, CO                           CMT and what’s been helpful,                    takeaways about letting go of
                                             as well as what hasn’t been.
        Members of the Denver branch shared local   Members also discussed local             fear and staying in the present.

        resources for bracing at their April 15 meeting.   resources for surgeries, AFOs,
        They also welcomed two representatives from   doctors and specialists.               CHESTER COUNTY, PA
        the CMTA Center of Excellence at Children’s                                          Two orthotists from ABILITY
        Hospital of Colorado, which is led by neurolo-  NEW MEXICO                           Prosthetics and Orthotics pre-
        gist Dr. Michelle Yang, who joined the meeting   Nineteen members of the   New Mexico branch members   sented on bracing solutions and
        to introduce themselves to branch members.   New Mexico branch wel-  welcomed actor Joy Perry, who has   getting the most of a visit with an
                                                                                             orthotist at the Chester County
        DESTIN, FL                           comed first-time actor Joy   CMT, to their February meeting.  branch’s March 20 meeting.
                                             Perry to their February 6
        Three presenters from GeneDX dazzled   meeting. Joy, who has CMT,                    The 22 members in attendance
        members of the Destin, FL branch at their last   recently appeared in a Hallmark movie, The   shared their experiences with this company as
        meeting with a wide-ranging presentation   Christmas Bow, playing a character who has   well as various types of orthotics, shoes and
        on genetic testing. They described the   the disease. Joy shared her history with CMT   devices for daily living that work for them.
        company’s neuropathy test offerings, including   as well as her experiences as someone without
        a hereditary neuropathy panel (64 total genes),   previous acting experience in making this TV   PITTSBURGH, PA
        a core CMT panel (four genes), an axonal CMT   movie. The Zoom session was recorded and   Nine people welcomed guest speaker Julie
        panel (32 genes), a demyelinating CMT panel   will be available at a later date for individuals   Tarle, the CMTA’s special events manager, to the
        (23 genes), a CMT panel (43 genes) and a   and other branches to view.     April 17 meeting of the Pittsburgh branch. Mem-
        hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy                                bers debated whether to have their WALK 4 CMT
        panel (14 genes). Members learned that genetic   SYRACUSE, NY              in-person or virtually, with the majority saying
        testing can lead to a positive diagnosis, a   The Syracuse branch met on February 6 with   they felt comfortable holding an in-person walk
        negative diagnosis, or an inconclusive result   40 people present to welcome special guests   using state guidelines for COVID-19. Members
        and discussed the importance of seeking   Drs. David Herrmann and Katy Eichinger from   also discussed date, time and location possibil-
        professional genetic counseling.     the CMTA Center of Excellence at the Uni-  ities and got excited about planning the annual
                                                                                   walk, though no final decisions were made.
        PORTLAND, ME                         versity of Rochester.  Dr. Herrmann, the clinic
                                             director, gave a great presentation defining
        Ten members of the Portland branch welcomed   CMT, explaining genetic testing and inheritance   DALLAS/FT. WORTH, TX
        guest speaker Laurel Richardson, CMTA direc-  patterns and describing how CMT affects   Dr. Sharique Ansari, a neurologist and the
        tor of community outreach, to their January 12   patients.  Dr. Eichinger, a physical therapist and   director of the CMTA Center of Excellence at
        meeting. Laurel shared updates on            clinical trial evaluator, discussed   Kane, Hall, Barry Neurology in Bedford, was the
        the CMTA’s education and community           physical therapy and the importance   guest speaker at the Dallas/Ft. Worth branch
        programs. Members also spent time            of physical activity.  She also talked   meeting May 1. Twelve people listened as
        catching up with fellow CMTers and           about the sensor gait study being   Dr. Ansari shared an incredible presentation
        planning for the year. They decided          conducted at the Rochester Center   on CMT with detailed information about the
        to meet every month or so this year          of Excellence.                disease, the diagnostic process, genetic testing
        because Zoom makes it so easy. They                                        and much more and then answered questions
        also agreed to work on building a            WESTCHESTER, NY               from the group.
        “local resources” list for the branch.       A dozen people came out May   MADISON, WI
        LAS VEGAS, NV                                1 to hear guest speaker Laurel   Twenty members of the Madison branch
                                                     Richardson, the CMTA director of
        Seven members of the Las Vegas               community outreach, give a high-  welcomed special guest speaker John Svaren,
        branch welcomed orthotist David   CMTA Director of   level overview of the STAR research   PhD, to their March 4 meeting. Svaren chairs
        Kovach to their meeting on January 23.    Community Outreach   initiative. She detailed the many   the CMTA Scientific Advisory Board and is very
        David shared valuable information on   Laurel Richardson has   ways the CMTA is tackling research   involved with advancing CMT research. He is
                                      participated in many
        bracing and orthotics and emphasized   branch meetings over   for nearly every subtype.  a professor in the Department of Comparative
        the importance of finding the right brace   Zoom this year.                Biosciences at the University of Wisconsin and
        for each individual, a lesson borne out      On March 6, 27 people came out   serves as director of the Cellular and Molecular
        by the fact that everyone in the group       to hear guest speakers Ken Cornell   Neuroscience core at the UW Waisman Center,
        wore a different type of brace.      and Laurie Lasky take part in an in-depth dis-  where his laboratory is located. Since 2000, he
                                             cussion on bracing and AFOs. Ken is a certified   has focused his research on the genetic basis
        NEWBURY, NH                          orthotist in Boston and works with the CMTA   of peripheral myelination and the disruptions
        Six members of the Newbury branch welcomed   Center of Excellence team at Mass General.   found in peripheral neuropathies such as
        guest speaker Jacqueline Piazza to their April   Laurie, the NE district manager for bracing    CMT. Svaren shared a STAR research update
        10 meeting. Jackie was diagnosed with CMT   manufacturer Allard, told the group she finds it   and then took questions from the group.

                                                                                                SUMMER 2021  THE CMTA REPORT
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