Page 31 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 31

Like Father, Like Son

      BY MARCIA SEMMES                friend Jess was talking to a par-
                                      ticipant named Ethan Kyle          Aron Taylor and son Kyle
                    tears some        Sargent (who goes by Kyle), a
                    families apart,   computer programmer.
      CMT but in a strange                As the three spoke, Jess
      twist of fate, it brought Kansas  observed that Kyle and Aron had
      City Branch Co-Leader Aron      a number of similarities in addi-
      Kyle Taylor together with the 19-  tion to working in the same field,
      year-old son he had never met.  including their distinctive CMT
          Aron is well known in the   legs. Kyle had never met anyone
      CMT community, not just as part  with CMT before so Aron invited
      of a mother-and-son pair of     him to a branch meeting. When
      co-leaders, but also as a musi-  Aron gave Kyle a business card
      cian, a rapper and                        bearing the name of
      the composer of        Since making       his music production
      “Giving Toesday,”      their “Hallmark    company, Ridiculous
      the CMTA’s 2020      movie connection”    Beats, Kyle remarked
      post-Thanksgiving      Aron and Kyle      that he was a musi-
      fundraiser.             have talked       cian too. Aron noted
          Aron is from the                      that “Kyle” was also
      small town of Par-        multiple        his middle name.
      sons, Kansas, but has    times daily.         The lightbulb
      lived in the Kansas                       moment came when
      City area for the past 15 years.  Aron asked Kyle his last name.
      He was diagnosed with CMT in    On being told that it was Sar-
      the second grade, though his    gent, the name of a long-ago
      specific type (2A) wasn’t con-  girlfriend, Aron threw his hands
      firmed until 2019.              in the air and exclaimed to the
          Even with the challenges of  entire room, “This is my son.”
      CMT, Aron was able to keep      Simultaneously, Kyle said, “This
      playing varsity baseball as a   is my dad.”
      pitcher and infielder through his   Since making their “Hall-
      senior year of high school when  mark movie connection” on
      he was sidelined by a foot injury.  October 18, 2019, Aron and Kyle
      Today, he continues to struggle  have talked multiple times daily.
      with stairs and occasional falls  They live just 20 minutes apart
      but feels fortunate that his CMT  and see each other several times
      is still fairly mild.           a week. Noting that Kyle pro-
          Now 43, Aron is an IT pro-  grammed video games at the age   larities in their posture and body
      fessional at a law firm in Kansas  of 14 and is a talented guitarist,  language and quickly recognized
      City, with experience in tech   the proud father praises his son  the deep love Aron has for his
      training, public speaking and   as smart and funny.              long-lost son, “This is meant to
      resume building. In that capac-     Aron looks forward to being  be,” she told them. Aron agrees,
      ity, he gives motivational talks to  able to help his son navigate  adding “It’s a happy ending.”
      various groups. So when his     some of the difficulties of CMT,    It’s also a new beginning:
      friend Jess asked him to speak at  like braces, and says he feels a  Sharing their love of music and
      a job fair for a group of young  responsibility to be a role model  technology, the father and son
      adults, he said yes without hesi-  for his newly discovered son.  are already collaborating on
      tation.  After Aron’s talk about    Together the two visited a   music together. “It’s going to be
      resumes and interviews, his     counselor, who noted the simi-   beautiful,” Aron says. k

                                                                                           WINTER 2021 THE CMTA REPORT   31
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