Page 27 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 27

?        WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? Ask David.

      Dear David:                     is in a wheelchair from a Viet-  David Tannenbaum answers questions
                                      nam War injury and spent lots
      I wanted to relate an incident                                  from readers in his column “What’s On
                                      of time teaching him about      Your Mind? Ask David” regularly in
      that rattled me at first but
                                      cars. Another spoke about her   The CMTA Report. David has an LCSW
      ultimately had a happy end-
                                      brother who had cerebral        degree and has been a psychotherapist
      ing. I am a middle school                                       in New York City for the past 30 years,
                                      palsy. After a while, I honestly
      teacher in a small Midwest-                                     specializing in helping others with the
                                      didn’t know if our discussion
      ern public school. I love                                       task of growing emotionally and spiritu-
                                      was for them or me.
      being a teacher despite some                                    ally through physical challenges. “My
                                         Even though I had a way      CMT has been my greatest challenge and
      classroom difficulty with bal-
                                      to go in accepting my own       my best teacher in life,” says David.
      ance because of my CMT. I
                                      CMT, I saw that I could
      also have some weakness in
                                      transform my self-conscious-
      my hands so I am always                                          to great lengths to hide. Our vul-
                                      ness into helping others learn
      dropping materials, much to                                      nerability is human and can be
                                      to accept their differences.
      my kids’ delight.                                                transformed into power if we use
                                      The best part of the day came
         The other day I was in                                        it to connect to others. Everyone
                                      when the boy who had asked
      front of the classroom trying                                    feels vulnerable in some area of
                                      me about my CMT saw me
      to teach a history lesson                                        their lives, and many of us strug-
                                      struggling to carry materials
      when one of my more ram-                                         gle with our imperfections. Be
                                      out to my car and asked me if
      bunctious students blurted                                       courageous in telling your story
                                      I wanted some help. Driving
      out, “What happened to your                                      and you will find that many
                                      home I choked up with tears,
      leg?” I always figured I                                         will respect your fearlessness.
                                      thinking that maybe I taught
      would get this question some-                                    Remember that anxiety is who
                                      them a lesson about empa-
      day, but it caught me off                                        you think you should be and
                                      thy, the most important
      guard. I turned beet red and                                     peace is who you are.
                                      lesson of all. Just wondering
      sheepishly tried to explain                                         Telling your story gives
                                      how you think I handled the
      CMT to my class, but it’s                                        others permission to tell their
                                      situation.                      —Ms. B.
      hard enough trying to                                            stories and believe me, after 40
      explain my CMT to friends,                                       years of practice as a therapist,
                                      David replies:
      let alone seventh graders. I                                     I can tell you that everyone has
      have some feelings of shame     Dear Ms. B.,  Thanks so much     one! When we freeze up in our
      and embarrassment but I         for sharing a story that I know  self-consciousness, it is simply a
      hide them pretty well and try   many in our community can        reminder that we have a bit
      very hard not to let them pre-  appreciate. When someone asks    more work to do in releasing
      vent me from participating in   “the question,” most of us are   some old pain around our physi-
      and enjoying my life.           often caught off guard. I think  cal challenges. Identifying these
         Fortunately, I had a break   that we are all so private with  thoughts, which often have to do
      after the class and a colleague  our feelings about our CMT that  with the past or the future, and
      suggested that I take the       we are shocked when that         then coming back to the present
      opportunity to go back and      boundary is crossed. We are      moment will help whenever you
      lead a discussion on people     unaccustomed to sharing our      can remember to do so. Take this
      that we know who have           thoughts and feelings in public.  opportunity to identify and then
      physical challenges. I was      This is another good reason to   gradually be free from your fear
      extremely nervous, but I did    attend support groups and CMT    thoughts. Take pride in your
      just that and the students      conferences whenever possible    being and know that your true
      were more than willing to give  to receive this support from oth-  identity has nothing to do
      examples of people they knew    ers who understand what we       with your physical body. Self-
      who had physical problems.      experience daily.                acceptance makes your light
      Many examples were from             Your student probably trig-  shine brighter and provides a
      their own families: One boy     gered the feelings of inadequacy  powerful example for all to fol-
      spoke of his grandfather who    and vulnerability that we often go  low. You are a true teacher. k

                                                                                           WINTER 2021 THE CMTA REPORT   27
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