Page 23 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 23

CMTA Zooms First Patient/Family Conference

      BY LAUREL RICHARDSON            Svaren (University of Wiscon-    Type 2s (axonal forms) and
                                      sin), Steven Scherer (UPENN),    unknown variants.  They talked
                ore than 200 people   Kleopas Kleopa (Cypress Insti-   about Dr. James Wilson’s work
                gathered for the      tute of Neurology and Genetics),  with Passage Bio at the Univer-
                CMTA’s first Zoom     and Stephan Züchner (Univer-     sity of Pennsylvania using gene
                Patient/Family Con-   sity of Miami).                  therapy to treat CMT2A. The
      Mference on Saturday,               Attendees then moved into    CMTA is also funding the work
      November 7, 2020, in a rare     breakout sessions by CMT type:   of Drs. Bruce Conklin and Luke
      opportunity for attendees to hear  demyelinating (Types 1, 4 and X)  Judge of the Gladstone Institutes
      from CMT experts worldwide.     or axonal and unknown variants   and the UCSF Departments of
          Those experts covered a     (Type 2). The type-specific ses-  Medicine and Pediatrics, who
      wide variety of topics. Dr. Steven  sions provided in-depth updates  are exploring the therapeutic
      Scherer and Tanya Bardakjian,   on the many research projects    application of genome editing
      MS, LCGC, both of the Univer-   underway for each subtype.       technology (CRISPR) to CMT2A,
      sity of Pennsylvania (UPENN)        Drs. John Svaren and         CMT2E and CMT2F.
      presented on adult neurology/   Kleopas Kleopa led the demyeli-     Dr. Züchner shared informa-
      genetics, and Dr. Alexander     nating session. Dr. Kleopa       tion about the newly discovered
      Fay and Matt Hall, MS, of the   updated attendees on his CMTA-   SORD gene. According to Züch-
      University of California San    funded studies that proved gene  ner, “[T]here are over 3,000
      Francisco (UCSF) gave a presen-  therapy is feasible in rodent   patients in the US alone [with
      tation on pediatric neurology/  models of CMT1X and CMT4C.       the SORD mutation] and the
      genetics.                       The CMTA is actively supporting  best part is we think it’s treat-
          Midday breakout sessions    the efforts of several gene ther-  able.” When the breakout
      were led by CMTA Advisory       apy companies to develop new     sessions finished, all attendees
      Board members and/or thera-     CMT gene therapies. Dr. Svaren   and speakers met back in the
      peutic experts from CMTA        told listeners about the CMTA’s  main Zoom “room” for a Q & A
      Centers of Excellence. They     partnership with InFlectis Bio-  session with the panelists.
      included tangible, valuable infor-  Science to develop agents to    The silver lining of holding
      mation on physical therapy,     restore myelin protein balance   the conference online was that
      bracing, emotional wellness and  for CMT1A and CMT1B. Phase 1    CMT patients from all over the
      staying active with CMT.        clinical trials have concluded and  world were able to participate.
          The afternoon session began  InFlectis is gearing up for Phase  The CMTA will continue plan-
      with a robust STAR research     2 trials.                        ning virtual education events
      update led by CMTA Board            Drs. Steven Scherer and      and conferences in 2021 with the
      Chairman Gilles Bouchard. He    Stephan Züchner led the other    hopes of having as many people
      was joined by four researchers  afternoon STAR breakout ses-     take part as possible. k
      who sit on the CMTA Scientific  sion in an in-depth look at the  Laurel is the CMTA director of commu-
      Advisory Board: Drs. John       progress being made with CMT     nity outreach.
          To view the 2020 Patient/Family Conference video recording, visit

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