Page 25 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 25

Widower Continues to Raise Funds

      in Wife’s Name

                                                                                  Rick Clement with
             ook for the helpers,”                                                 some of his pens
             Mr. Rogers said. Rick
      “L Clemente is one of them.
      While he doesn’t have CMT
      himself, he raises money and
      awareness of the disease to
      honor his late wife Celia.
          Rick has a rather unique
      approach to both. The retired
      physical therapist and human
      anatomy teacher is a skilled
      amateur woodworker who got
      his start making pens, letter
      openers and utensils to make
      Celia’s life with CMT a little
      easier. She suggested that
      woodworking might be a nice
      retirement hobby and asked him
      to make pens and letter openers
      for every member of their family.
      After a couple of classes, he put
      a lathe in their garage and soon
      had it outfitted as a full-fledged
          Celia died of cancer more
      than three years ago, but he still
      makes the pens and whenever
      anybody asks about them, he
      uses the opening to talk about
      CMT. He also offers to sell the
      pens. The cost? A donation to   local neurologist suggested      struck by the fact that branch
      the CMTA.                       genetic testing was she finally  members looked just like her
          Rick is committed to the    diagnosed.                       with their braces, wheelchairs
      organization because of the         Rick says the most impor-    and difficulty holding pens. The
      support and friend-                      tant thing in this story  meeting had a profound impact
                            After Rick’s wife
      ship that members of                     is the help the branch  on Celia, he says, and afterward,
      the Pittsburgh Branch   attended her     gave his wife, who      “She became herself again.”
      showed Celia. Her        first branch    taught the deaf. By the    Rick’s woodworking has
      diagnosis was a long      meeting,       time Celia attended     slowed a bit due to arthritis in
      time coming. She had    “She became      her first branch meet-  his hands. But he continues to
      no family history of   herself again.”    ing, she was at wit’s  attend branch walks with various
      CMT and was erro-                        end, he recounts. “The  family members and proudly
      neously diagnosed with a        people there could not have been  wears his walk T-shirts. Like his
      number of other illnesses,      more welcoming,” he says,        pens, they provide an opening
      including ALS. Visits to the    adding, “She found friends and   for him to talk about CMT. And
      Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo   companions who let her know      because he is a helper, that’s just
      Clinic were fruitless. Not until a  she wasn’t crazy.” Celia was  what he does. k

                                                                                           WINTER 2021 THE CMTA REPORT   25
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