Page 21 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 21

to weaken, the toe extensor     joints in the small toes and two  muscles flex the toes down in a
      muscles have to work harder     in the big toe, and they com-    non-CMT patient, which means
      and harder to help lift the ankle.  monly all deform in different  that division of the FDL will go
      And with the toe extensors      directions. That multiplane      largely unnoticed.
      working harder than normal, the  deformity is what makes toe        In CMT patients, however,
      toes begin to deform into a     surgery tricky. The loss of intrin-  these other muscles are often
      clawed position. It happens so  sic muscle function causes the   very weak or completely para-
      slowly that few patients realize  joint at the base of the toe, the  lyzed. Preservation of the FDL is
      what is going on. Every day in  metatarsal-phalangeal (MTP)      therefore important, as it is the
      the office I see a CMT patient  joint, to extend upward. The     only working muscle that pro-
      who can move their ankle up     middle joint of the small toe, the  vides flexion power to the toes.
      but only because of the strong  proximal interphalangeal (PIP)      An even more important rea-
      toe extensors. Good for the     joint, flexes downward and the   son not to divide a strong FDL is
      ankle, but ultimately very bad  joint closest to the nail in the  that it can be used to reconstruct
      for the toes, which get deformed  distal interphalangeal (DIP)   ankle motion in the future if the
      by the tendon over-pulling with  joint can go in either direction.  CMT disease progresses. Please
      each step.                      The goal of surgery is to        look at my Instagram (@Charcot-
          As the toes deform into a   straighten all the joints and end  marietoothsurgery), and you will
      clawed position a lot of bad    up with toes that fit comfortably  see many videos of patients who
      things can happen to the foot.  into normal shoes.               have avoided braces by transfer of
      The cushioning fat pad under-       There is no consensus on the  the FDL to restore ankle motion.
      neath the toes starts to be pulled  best approach to toe surgery.  A surgical fusion of the PIP joint
      out of position. The bones      While all surgeons agree that the  is often performed when the FDL
      (metatarsal heads) become more  release of soft tissue contrac-  is preserved to prevent a recur-
      prominent on the bottom of the  tures is essential, they disagree  rence of the deformity. Fusions of
      foot, with nothing but skin     on the role of PIP fusion, tendon  the PIP joints have little impact
      between them and the floor.     lengthening and tendon release.  on function. The small joint in
      Walking barefoot on a hard sur-  Over the years, my approach to  the big toe, the interphalangeal
      face becomes intolerable.       CMT toe deformity has changed.   joint, is another joint that often
      Because the toes are no longer in  In non-CMT patients, division of  requires fusion during toe
      touch with the ground, balance  the long flexor tendon (FDL) of  surgery, with hardly any compro-
      is affected and push-off strength  the toe is commonly performed.  mise in function. A final key
      is diminished, which further    The FDL muscle arises in the     element of the surgery is to take
      compromises gait. Custom cush-  leg, extends down to the foot    the toe extensors, if they are
      ioned shoe inserts (orthotics)  where it becomes tendinous and   strong, and transfer them to the
      can help, along with a shoe that  inserts onto the tip of the toe.  top of the foot where they will
      has a roomy toe-box (extra-depth  The FDL tendon/muscle is often  help lift the ankle.
      shoes).                         a deforming force, and its divi-    Understandably, toe surgery
          To understand what has to   sion can help correct the toe    is usually the last priority for
      be corrected with surgery, it’s  deformity. The division can be  CMT patients. A crooked foot
      useful to take a closer look at the  done through a tiny incision  and loss of ankle function need
      toe deformity. There are three  underneath the toe. Two other    to be corrected first to keep a
                                                                       person walking and out of a
                                                                       brace. Sometimes everything can
         This is the fourth in Dr. Glenn Pfeffer’s four-part
                                                                       be reconstructed during the
         series on The Surgical Correction of the CMT Foot.            same surgery, but not always.
         The other three parts are:                                    There is a limit to what the foot
         Part 1:  IS SURGERY RIGHT FOR YOU,                            can tolerate during an operation,
                 Winter 2020 CMTA Report, page 14                      and a second surgery for the toes
         Part 2: TENDON TRANSFERS,                                     may be needed. It’s a lot to go
                 Spring 2020 CMTA Report, page 4                       through, but absolutely worth it.
         Part 3: THE ROLE OF JOINT FUSION,                             The process is a marathon, not a
                 Summer 2020 CMTA Report, page 21                      sprint, but so gratifying when
                                                                       you win. k

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