Page 20 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 20

The Surgical Correction of the CMT Foot:
                          IS SURGERY RIGHT FOR YOU?

                         PART 4 OF 4:

                         It Starts (and Ends) with the Toes

                         BY GLENN B. PFEFFER, MD

                                his is the last in our
                                series on CMT foot
                                surgery. I’ve saved the
                                toes for last, but per-
                         T haps they should have
                         been first, as they are the first
                         affected by CMT neuropathy.
                         Someone once wrote, “Toes are
                         at the end of your feet, but the
                         start of your journey,” and that
                         is certainly true when it comes
      Dr. Pfeffer is an  to CMT.
      orthopedic foot and
      ankle surgeon and      CMT is a length-dependent
      co-director of the  neuropathy, which means that
      CMTA’s Center of   the muscles farthest away from  toe as an early sign of CMT foot  “brush, brush, brush.” I tell my
      Excellence at Cedars-
      Sinai Medical Center,  the spine are affected first. The  involvement, although there is  CMT patients with toe problems
      Los Angeles. He is  small muscles in the foot are  no telling whether it will worsen.  to “stretch, stretch, stretch.”
      also a member of the  therefore the first to weaken.   It is important to recognize  Just like brushing, keep up the
      CMTA’s Advisory                                                                     stretching for the rest of your
      Board.             These small intrinsic muscles   early on what is going on with
                         stabilize the toes, keep them   the toes, as stretching exercises  life. Even if you already have
                         straight and help them move in a  may help prevent a fixed con-  some fixed contractures of
                         coordinated fashion. As these   tracture of the toe joints so that  the joints (where they won’t
                         small muscles atrophy, the toes  surgery can be avoided.         straighten completely), a stretch-
                         start to curl into what is com-     The stretching program is    ing program may help prevent
                         monly referred to as a “clawed”  quite simple: Stretch each of   further progression.
                         position (shown below).         the toe joints out into a straight  Sometimes even the best
                             At first, the toes remain flex-  position. If the middle joint  stretching program doesn’t stop
                         ible, but over time they become  (proximal interphalangeal joint)  the toes from getting worse. It’s
                         fixed in their clawed position. It  is flexing down, stretch it  important to understand what is
                         is often the baby toe (fifth toe)  straight. If the metatarsal-pha-  going on in this situation. The
                         that starts to deform first. Par-  langeal (MTP) joint at the base  foot intrinsic muscles, as we dis-
                         ents who are concerned about    of the toe is extending up,      cussed, are usually affected first
                         their children’s feet might watch  stretch it down. Do the same  with CMT, but the tibialis ante-
                         out for this clawing of the fifth  thing with all of the other joints.  rior (TA) is often not far behind.
                                                         Hold the joint straight for 10   The TA is the large muscle in the
                                                         seconds once or twice a day. A   anterior leg that lifts the ankle.
                                                         physical therapist can help you  The toe extensor muscles also
                                                         make sure you are stretching the  contribute to lifting the ankle
                                                         right way. It shouldn’t take more  (dorsiflexion).
                                                         than one or two visits to help set  You can see that when a
                                                         you up with a home program.      normal ankle goes up, the toes
                         Clawed toes                     My dentist used to tell me to    go up as well. Once the TA starts

      20  THE CMTA REPORT  WINTER 2021
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