Page 15 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 15

H O WA R D   L A N D I S

      no significant symptoms when    his genome has been sequenced
      he was diagnosed 12 years ago at  and if Howard’s culprit gene is
      the age of 54. He grew up on a  identified researchers will be
      small farm in Pennsylvania and  able to determine if he had the
      wasn’t aware of any CMT symp-   disease too. Howard has one sib-
      toms in his earlier years       ling and one child and so far
      although he has a high instep   neither shows signs of CMT.
      and was prone to ankle sprains.     Howard initially viewed the
      He went on to work in Manhat-   CMTA as a resource for learning
      tan as an accountant and        more about the disease, then
      consultant for a couple of years  later began attending
      and then spent most                       Patient/Family Con-
      of his career with a    Now is the        ferences and online
      small private equity    time to join      webinars. He says
      firm in Connecticut.   the CMTA in        that his experiences
      He was referred to a  supporting the      have been uniformly    Howard Landis
      neurologist by an                         positive and that he
      orthopedist treating     research         “continues to be       organization that is well run, he
      him for a shoulder     community…         amazed at the caliber  added, noting that the CMTA has a
      injury. The orthope-                      and dedication of the  4-star rating from Charity Naviga-
      dist noticed some wasting in the  people that are working to sup-  tor—and a clearly defined mission
      area between his thumb and      port CMT patients and the        that has a reasonable chance of
      index finger and thought it     research community that is       succeeding.
      might be CMT. A nerve conduc-   working hard to find treatments     Currently retired and living
      tion test confirmed his hunch.     and cures for CMT.”           in South Florida, Howard closely
         Howard thinks his father,        Howard says the CMTA fits    follows CMT research and lives
      who passed away several years   into his philosophy of giving, which  out his own philosophy of giv-
      ago, probably had CMT. He was   is whether it makes a difference.  ing—making a difference in the
      never seen by a neurologist, but  Ideally, that means giving to an  lives of everyone with CMT. k

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