Page 12 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 12

Youth Council Member Emmily Stufflet (front row, center) held a fundraiser
                                                                 and awareness event for CMT at her high school in Florida in 2020.

                         Youth Council Gearing Up

                         for Big Fundraising Year

                                  embers of the CMTA’s   “Walk a Mile in Our Braces,” a   Maya Grochowska, “Attending
                                  Youth Council raised   book charting the experiences of  Camp Footprint and meeting so
                                  more than $7,000 for   75 youth with CMT and the first-  many other kids with CMT
                                  the CMTA in 2020       ever Global Online Dance-a-thon  inspired me to be more open
                         Mand look forward to            4 CMT.                           about my CMT. And it made me
                         keeping the momentum going          The council has also devel-  want to raise money for the
                         in 2021.                        oped a “Fundraising E-Kit,” a    CMTA. Meeting other kids with
                             “This is the year we get the  presentation filled with informa-  CMT drove home that I’m not
                         whole community of youth        tion on the different ways to    alone and all of us with CMT
                         involved because together there  fundraise and get involved. The  deserve hope for a cure.”
                         is no stopping us,” the Youth   E-kits are downloadable and tai-    Hannah Roberts said she
                         Council’s Fundraising Commit-   lored specifically for situations  is “inspired to raise money for
                         tee—Elijah Tolz, Paola Martinez  like school fundraisers, Walks 4  the CMTA because of its com-
                         and Evan Zeltsar—said in a      CMT and birthday celebrations.   mitment to research and passion
                         statement.                      They are available on the CMTA   for community. I’m inspired
                             The three are spread out on  website.                        because of my tribe and the
                         opposite coasts but share a pas-    Two young fundraisers        impact for future generations
                         sion for fundraising to cure CMT  shared their motivation for help-  living with Charcot-Marie-
                         and are “determined and ready   ing the CMTA. According to       Tooth disease.” k
                         to encourage other youth in the
                         community to make a difference.”
                             Plans for 2021 include a vir-   FOR MORE INFORMATION on getting involved with the
                         tual bingo game, publication of  CMTA’s Youth Program, go to

      12  THE CMTA REPORT  WINTER 2021
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