Page 11 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 11

increased. An abnormal result is  then performing a biopsy of the  detect the presence of the spe-
      usually followed by more defini-  embryo to remove a small num-  cific mutation gene: Two copies
      tive testing (amniocentesis or  ber of cells that can then be    indicate an affected embryo; one
      chorionic villous sampling).    tested. Typically, an embryo is  copy would identify embryos
                                      grown (incubated) in a labora-   destined to become genetic carri-
      PREIMPLANTATION                 tory for five days after         ers of CF and those without
      GENETIC TESTING                 fertilization. A 5-day-old embryo  probe activity would be consid-
      Since 1974, IVF has been used   (blastocyst) has an inner cell   ered unaffected.
      to help millions of couples who  mass—which is destined to          To illustrate, a prospective
      were unable to conceive for a   become the baby—and an outer     mother is tested for cystic fibro-
      variety of reasons: blocked     cell mass (trophectoderm) that   sis and found to be a silent
      Fallopian tubes, issues with    will ultimately develop into the  carrier of a CF mutation. Her
      ovulation or sperm production   placenta and amnion. Using an    partner is then tested and is also
      and endometriosis, to name a    incredibly small and precise     a carrier of a CF mutation. There
      few. It is estimated that over   laser, a small opening is made in  is a 25 percent chance of having
      8 million babies have been con-  the wall of the embryo and cells  a baby with cystic fibrosis, which
      ceived via IVF since Louise     are removed from the trophecto-  affects multiple organs—particu-
      Brown—the first IVF success—    derm. The embryo is then frozen  larly the lungs. Incredible
      was born in 1974.               while the cells are tested.      advances in treatments have
          The advent of preimplanta-      PGT-A tests the cells for an  been made and, armed with this
      tion genetic testing (PGT) has  abnormal number or pairing of    knowledge, the couple may elect
      added another group of prospec-  chromosomes (aneuploidy).       to proceed with conceiving on
      tive parents: those who have    Selecting embryos with a normal  their own. They could also
      family or personal histories of  number and arrangement of       decide to conceive using an egg
      genetically inherited conditions  chromosomes (euploid) to trans-  or sperm from a donor who does
      or who are at a higher risk of  fer back to the patient          not carry the CF mutation. They
      chromosomal anomalies due to    significantly increases the      might choose to adopt. They can
      advanced maternal age or recur-  chances of a healthy pregnancy.  also elect to have IVF and test
      rent unexplained pregnancy          PGT-M refers to testing the  their embryos for cystic fibrosis.
      losses.                         embryos for single-gene muta-       PGT-M is now widely
          PGT refers to the process of  tions like the one that causes CF.  utilized to identify embryos
      creating embryos via IVF and    A probe is created that can                      (continued on page 13)

                                                                                           WINTER 2021 THE CMTA REPORT   11
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