Page 14 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 14


                                                            WHY  I  GIVE:

                                                          For anyone thinking of donating to the
      an innervator is a nerve stimulator. According to the
      CMTA, an INNERVATOR is an action-oriented donor     CMTA or its STAR research program,
      who gives monthly to the organization, sustaining   Howard Landis has four simple words
      STAR (Strategy to Accelerate Research), our premier
      research initiative, as well as important community  of advice: “Now is the time.”
      initiatives like Camp Footprint, Patient/Family
      Conferences and educational programs. All of these     Howard has a late-onset      their genome sequenced may
      programs require steady, reliable support from
                                                          form of CMT 2 for which the cul-  have hundreds of disease-caus-
      committed donors. Please join the Innervators today!                    prit gene has not yet been      ing mutations, Howard
                                                          identified, but the fact that the  explained. Most of these variants
                                                          exact cause hasn’t yet been     are harmless—everyone has
      Tracy Adamson          Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Meloni
      Scott Allen            Ronnie Mendoza               pinned down doesn’t stop him    thousands of mutations—and
      Brendan Bennett        Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mersing   from getting involved and giving.  determining which one is not is
      Lorna Brand            William Millar
                                                          As he noted, “The research com-  the challenge. The challenge is
      Dr. and Mrs. William Buchanan  Mrs. Susan Moore
                                                          munity is doing its part and is  much easier if there is a second
      Cynthia Carroll        Ms. Alba Moratinos
      William Chandler       Ms. Cara Natale              making tremendous advances.     and a third patient, who might
      Peter Cherpes          David Nelson
                                                          Now is the time to join the     be halfway across the world, with
      David Coldiron         Gary Oelze
                                                          CMTA in supporting them with    the same mutation. “It is a gross
      Peter Cole             Mr. and Mrs. Pamela Palmer
      James Copeland         Jeannie Palmero              your contributions, and now is  oversimplification to say that
      John Cordonnier        Jonathan Preston             the time to have your genome    identifying culprits is a numbers
      Diane Covington        Susan Rems
                                                          sequenced if you have an        game, but there is a sense in
      Grace Dipisa           Raymond Roth
      Ms. Marilynn Dodge     Mrs. Margery Sayward         unidentified form of CMT. Your  which this is true,” Howard
      Mitchell Fedde         Mr. and Mrs. Mario Scacco    funds and your genomes will     explained. He noted that the
      Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fansler  Donald Schlosser
                                                          undoubtedly make a difference.”  Genesis Project faces a number
      Mrs. Arya Fritz        Bruce Spackman
                                                             Howard is particularly inter-  of barriers—i.e., many people
      Tim Garmager           Joyce Steinkamp
      Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Giles  Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stetor  ested in the work that Dr.     with unidentified forms of CMT
      Amy Gray               Mrs. Barbara Stuck
                                                          Stephan Züchner is doing on     do not know that they have the
      Mr. and Mrs. Jay Grife  Brett Taylor
                                                          unidentified Type 2s at the Gen-  disease and many who have been
      Diane Gross            Mrs. Patricia Tedford
      Randy Gunn             David Thomas                 esis Project at the University of  diagnosed have not had their
      Mr. and Mrs. William Helmke  Mr. and Mrs. Ophir Trigalo  Miami. Genesis, a cloud-based  genome or exome sequenced. In
      Diann Jackson          Payton Turner
                                                          database designed for storing   addition, some researchers and
      Mark Johnsen           Lynn Upton
      Doug Kampe             Angela Vandersteen           and analyzing genomic data,     companies don’t wish to share
      Heather Kercher        Bruce Vieira                 recently identified a new form of  their data.
      Drs. Craig and Andrea Kesack  Steve Williard
                                                          CMT affecting an estimated          Breaking down these barri-
      Ella Lafara            Robert Wills
                                                          3,000 people in the United      ers is more important than ever
      Jennifer Larkin        Daniel Woltjer
      Rosemarie Littleton                                 States. Howard is on the board  given the progress being made
                                                          of Genesis, which is available to  with gene therapy and other
                                                          the worldwide research commu-   treatments, Howard said, noting
                 “I am an Innervator because I know the
                                                          nity, making the challenge of   that the Genesis researchers who
                 budgetary challenges nonprofits face in
                                                          identifying culprit genes easier.  recently located a new gene also
                 terms of planning. So often the bulk of
                 giving occurs late in the fourth quarter.    With more genomes and exomes  identified an existing medication
                 If enough people provide monthly giving  from CMT patients available to  that will treat and possibly cure
                 over the course of the year, it will provide  researchers, the research com-  the disease. “That sort of thing
                 the CMTA with the stable funding it
                                                          munity could identify many      just wasn’t possible even five
                 needs to fulfill its mission of ridding the
                                                          more forms of CMT.              years ago,” he added.
                 world of this affliction.” —David Coldiron
                                                             Individuals with an uniden-      Howard’s own CMT journey
                                                          tified form of CMT who have     was different than most. He had
      14  THE CMTA REPORT  WINTER 2021
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