Page 13 - 2021 Winter CMTA Report
P. 13

GENETIC TESTING                 peripheral nerve axon or the     novo mutations would not be
      (continued from page 11)        myelin sheath. More than 100     identified by traditional PGT-M
                                      genes have been identified in    techniques.
      affected by a great number of   CMT, with each gene linked to       Advances in genetic and
      genetically inherited disorders  one or more types of the disease.  reproductive technologies can
      that demonstrate a specific     In addition, multiple genes can  expand reproductive options for
      pattern of inheritance. Some    be linked to one type of CMT.    many who, until recently, had
      disorders, however, are consid-  Moreover, the inheritance pat-  very few. They can provide
      ered multifactorial. There may  tern can be autosomal dominant,  knowledge to aid in planning
      be a genetic component, but     X-linked or autosomal recessive.  and preparedness for pregnan-
      other factors are required to   It can also appear as a de novo  cies affected by heritable medical
      develop a specific disease. For  mutation.                       disorders or chromosomal
      example, some women may have        While these variations pre-  abnormalities and ultimately
      a BRCA mutation. While this     sent a challenge to probe        expand our approach to the diag-
      confers a significantly increased  development for PGT-M, it is  nosis and treatment of complex
      risk of breast and ovarian can-  still an option for many. Perhaps  diseases.
      cer, not everyone who carries   as many as 50-60 percent of         For more information, a
      the mutation will develop the   cases involve the duplication of  helpful start can be found at
      disease. Some genetic disorders  the PMP22 gene on chromosome k
      carry a highly variable inheri-  17. Traditional PGT-M can be
                                                                       Christine Murray, the newest member
      tance pattern.                  considered in such cases. Some
                                                                       of the CMTA Advisory Board, is a
          CMT is in this category.    cases can involve the deletion of  board-certified reproductive endocri-
      CMT is caused by mutations in   this gene or some other variant;  nologist and infertility (REI) specialist.
                                                                       She specializes in in vitro fertilization
      genes that support or produce   these cases typically require
                                                                       and polycystic ovary syndrome with a
      proteins involved in the struc-  phasing-clinical testing of the  special interest in preimplantation
      ture and function of either the  patient’s parents. Presently, de  genetic testing of embryos.

                                                                                           WINTER 2021 THE CMTA REPORT   13
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