Page 19 - Branch Leader Guide
P. 19

Branch Leader Guide

                         Keep the meeting positive!
                         Do not give out medical advice.

                         Do not offer individual or group therapy.

                         Prevent individuals from monopolizing the group’s time.  If one individual talks or
                          asks questions non-stop, speak with that person after the meeting.  You may
                          want to explain that although the comments, questions and suggestions made
                          are interesting, important, etc., others are not getting the opportunity to
                          participate.  Explain that everyone needs time to express concerns and ask the
                          person to try to keep questions and comments to a minimum.

                         Always have CMTA information out and available for members to browse.
                         From day one, ask group members to help out.  Involvement in the group’s
                          functioning will not only bring people closer together, but will also make them feel
                          responsible for the overall success of the group.  Include your members in group
                          decision-making and always ask for their input.

                         Attendance varies from meeting to meeting.  Don’t become discouraged if only a
                          few people turn up for a meeting from time to time.  Turnout varies due to a
                          number of factors: weather, vacations, interest in scheduled speakers, etc.  Don’t
                          give up!! There will be ups and downs.  If you find attendance consistently low,
                          give your regional branch manager a call to brainstorm on how to re-energize
                          your group.

                         Please always write hand-written thank you notes to your presenters.
                          Remember, the speakers take time out of their days, often on weekends, to talk
                          to your branch members. This extra sign of gratitude is very much appreciated.

                   Ideas for Speakers and Presenters

                   Ask branch members to get involved in finding speakers for your group.  It’s preferable
                   that the presenter knows about CMT and is familiar with its symptoms and signs. Here
                   are a few ideas for speakers:

                         Neurologists                                Nutritionists
                         Orthotists                                  Social workers
                         Orthopedists
                         Occupational therapists
                         Physiatrists (doctors of physical
                          medicine and rehabilitation)
                         Podiatrists
                         Physical therapists
                         Sleep specialists
                         Pain management specialists

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