Page 24 - Branch Leader Guide
P. 24

Branch Leader Guide

                   “Easy as Pie” Fundraising

                   It doesn’t get much easier than these fundraisers.  If you shop online, you can help:
                   Don’t miss the opportunity to have a portion of the sale proceeds go to the CMTA.
                   EVERYONE in the CMT community should participate in these fundraising opportunities,
                   so please reiterate to your branch participants and network the importance of helping
                   with these programs.

                       •  Sign up for I-give.  It’s fast, simple and free.  Go to  Every
                          time you shop through, the CMTA will receive a percentage of your

                       •  Use Amazon Smile.  If you use Amazon, you should definitely sign up for
                          Amazon Smile.  Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of your eligible purchases to the
                          CMTA. Simply go to and type in Charcot-Marie-Tooth

                       •  Check for Employee Matching Donations.  Does your company donate to non-
                          profits?  Many employers offer an employee matching program.  To find out if
                          your company does, visit

                       •  Use E-Scrip.  Sign up with E-Scrip and you can shop online or dine out and earn
                          money for the CMTA.  To sign up go to  Then go to new sign
                          up and find the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association.  For city, put Chicago, then hit
                          search.  When the CMTA comes up, choose us and start shopping!

                       •  Get Kroger Community Rewards.  Everyone needs groceries right?  Did you
                          know that every time you shop at Kroger you can earn money for the CMTA?  To
                          get started, sign into your Kroger account and select the CMTA as the
                          organization you would like to support.  We currently have the Community
                          Rewards set up in Texas (# 94054), Tennessee (#68720) and Georgia (#
                          79222).  We are working on setting up this profitable program in many other
                          states, too.  For more information on participating locations and reward numbers,
                          please go to:

                       •  Use GoodSearch and GoodShop.  GoodShop works with more 5,000 stores,
                          donating a percentage of each purchase to the CMTA.  Plus, every time you
                          search they will donate a penny to the CMTA.  To sign up go to
                 and choose the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association as your

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