Page 9 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 9



        The Inherited Neuropathy             CMT1A and developed clinical          The grants were aimed at fostering
        Consortium (INC) is an integrated    observation assessments that have     collaborative research among
        group of academic medical centers,   enabled natural history studies and   scientists to better understand how
        patient support organizations and    will facilitate clinical trials.      rare diseases progress and to develop
        clinical research resources          Led by University of Iowa neurologist   improved approaches for diagnosis
        dedicated to conducting clinical     and CMTA Board Member Michael         and treatment.
        research in different forms of CMT    Shy, MD, the INC is part of the Rare   According to Dr. Shy, professor of
        and improving the care of patients.  Diseases Clinical Research Network    neurology and director of the CMT
        Funded primarily by the National     (RDCRN), a group of scientists, clini-  Clinic at the University of Iowa
        Institutes of Health (NIH), with     cians, patients, families and patient   Hospitals & Clinics, the funding
        supplemental funding from the        advocates that studies a wide range   means that Iowa “will continue to
        Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association and   of rare diseases. The RDCRN is       pioneer natural history studies and
        the Muscular Dystrophy Association,   supported by multiple NIH Institutes   develop clinical and biomarker
        the INC plays a key role in developing   and Centers and led by NIH’s National   outcome instruments for patients with
        the infrastructure necessary to      Center for Advancing Translational    multiple genetic forms of inherited
        evaluate CMT therapies.              Sciences (NCATS) and the NCATS        peripheral neuropathies. We will
        Since 2008, INC members have         Office of Rare Diseases Research.     also be able to continue our efforts to
        identified many new mutations in     Originally, the INC consisted of six   identify novel genetic causes of
        genes that cause CMT, discovered     sites. With supplemental funding from   CMT and continue to train the next
        new genes that cause CMT,            the Muscular Dystrophy Association    generation of young investigators in
        illuminated the molecular            (MDA) and the Charcot-Marie-Tooth     our field.”
        pathogenesis of CMT, performed       Association, that number has now      In addition to seeking new and better
        translational studies with animal    expanded to more than 23 sites        treatments for patients with inherited
        models of CMT that may lead to new   internationally.                      neuropathies, the consortium also
        therapies, developed management                                            provides up-to-date information to
        strategies and standards of care for   The NIH granted the INC $7.2 million   help patients manage their diseases
        people with CMT, published           in renewed funding in October 2019    and assists in connecting patients with
        strategies for genetic testing for   for continued clinical research on    support groups, expert doctors and
        inherited neuropathies, developed    different forms of inherited peripheral   clinical research opportunities.
        biomarkers, participated in three    neuropathies and improving the care
        clinical trials of ascorbic acid for    of patients.

                                         THE CMTA CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
                                  The CMTA Centers of Excellence roughly correspond to the sites
                                        that make up the Inherited Neuropathy Consortium.


                       Oregon                                                  Michigan            Massachusetts
                                                                                        New York
                                                             Iowa                               New Jersey
                                                                     Illinois  Ohio
                                   Utah                                                         Maryland
                                            Colorado                                          Washington, DC
                       California                               Missouri
                                                                                             North Carolina

                          Australiia  Belgium

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